
that they will want to make sure that their name makes it into the hat each week.

Classroom rewards systems are known to be a great option for teachers who want to keep their students in line. Since the student will benefit from a rewards system, they are known to be very effective. Choosing a classroom rewards system for elementary school can be very easy, but what about when the student gets to middle school? Here are some classroom rewards system ideas for middle school.

Raffle Tickets Rewards System

Weekly or biweekly raffle tickets can be a great classroom rewards system. All that you will need to purchase are raffle tickets and some small prizes. Every time that a student does something good or answers a question right, their name can be put into a hat. Another way to do this is to put everyone’s name in the hat except for the students who misbehave. The students will so be eager to win something, even if it is small, that they will want to make sure that their name makes it into the hat each week.

“Student of the Month” Rewards System

The way that this rewards system works is by choosing one student each month who has behaved and performed exceptionally well. Create a poster with the student’s picture and information about them, such as their favorite color, ice cream, and inspirational quote. The posters can be hung outside or inside the classroom. If there is a school newspaper, then you may want to see about having this become a monthly column. It is also a good idea to see if the school would be willing to broadcast the student of the month’s name on the intercom system. Anything that you can do to make the student of the month feel very special will really help make this classroom rewards system work effectively.

Sun and Cloud Rewards System

Create a sun and a cloud. Every day, each student’s name will be hung to the sun with a thumbtack. If the student misbehaves at any time during the day,it’s important for people to remember you. If you do a good job on your profile page, their name can be moved to the cloud. If the student shows good behavior later on in the day,ugg bailey button boot, their name can be moved back to the sun. Otherwise, their name can be moved back the next morning. If you would prefer to make them earn their spot back on the sun, this can also work really well. Most children will not want their names to be the only one on the cloud, so it is likely that you will see more people trying to show good behavior.

These are just a few different classroom rewards systems for middle school students that you may want to try out. Depending on the specific group of students that you get, some of these classroom rewards systems can be very effective. If the classroom rewards system that you end up choosing does not seem to be working for the class of students that you have, it is a good idea to try a few different systems until one really seems to work.

