
but still the experience gave me a new found respect for their power.

People all over the world have heard of fire ants and many blow them off as some South African nuisance that they will never run across. This is not only wrong, but dangerous. I, like other folks, once thought the same thing. I thought that fire ants were something that I would never even see, much less stumble across. That all changed last week when I learned first hand about what a group of fire ants are capable of. Fire ants are no joke, and that is for sure.

A fire ant is highly aggressive, and not shy about stinging. They very rarely ever attack people, and usually it is only when a person inadvertently stumbles across them and disturbs them. When a fire ant stings, it is very similar to a bee sting. The sting releases histamines,In order to have a shot at selling to Wal-mart, and they are highly painful and itchy. The stings will become red, swell and eventually form blisters. These blisters will eventually pop, but you should not pop them yourself. The problem with fire ants is that if you have one sting, you are likely to have many. This is because fire ants attack as an army. They do not attack one at a time like many other insects. This means many stings, and with each sting the danger increases.

I have a dirt road that winds down to an abandoned area of our neighborhood. This road runs alongside my house, so it is naturally a place that I go walking about every day. There is an old house that has been abandoned for a couple of years at the end of this road,ugg bailey button on sale, and some woods beyond that. Just before those woods is an old statue of Jesus that I go to pray at on occasion. I went to pray there a couple of weeks ago. As I was praying, I had my eyes closed. When I opened them I caught some movement out of the corner of my eye to my left. When I turned and looked, it seemed as though the entire ground was moving beneath an old tree that is close by the statue. About fifteen feet from where I was standing was an entire colony of fire ants. I knew them because of my knowledge of their appearance.

I could not resist the morbid curiosity to go over and get a closer look. You could clearly see the line of ants that was running from the woods to the tree and it was quite long. The line was also about a foot wide, so their were literally thousands if not millions of these ants. They were all climbing on top of one another and it was amazing. It was clear that some were coming and some were going, and that they were transporting something back and forth. When I got up close enough, under the tree I noticed what appeared to be an animal. It was about the size of a squirrel, and it was literally bones. The ants were all over the carcass and it appeared as though they were transporting little pieces of this carcass back to the woods. I know this behavior is rare, but it was clear they were eating this small animal.

The chills got the better of me as I got far away rather quickly. I could not help but wonder if the ants had simply stumbled upon a dead squirrel or had killed it themselves. They likely stumbled upon it already dead, but still the experience gave me a new found respect for their power.

