
Huawei bet on the consumer market Samsung or into the second

Lead: The author said the foreign media today, Huawei is actively developing smart phones and tablet PCs and other consumer products, not only hoping to open the U.S. market, but Samsung and LG are expected to be a repeat success of course.

following article summary:

bet on Android

Huawei is actively enter the consumer electronics field, not only in major shopping malls in Beijing to promote the new smart phones and Tablet PC, and even participated in a Milan fashion show, hoping to have changed the image of the unknown.

Huawei bet the smart phone in the Google Android operating system, hoping to capture Apple's iPhone and Samsung's share of the Galaxy, and open the door, subject to external technologies.

Huawei has become the world's second largest network equipment providers, and plans to achieve in the next decade the annual income of 100 billion U.S. dollars, which makes analysts are optimistic about the prospects for Huawei to enter the consumer market.

network equipment market, Huawei has already surpassed the Alcatel-Lucent and Nokia Siemens. Now, it hopes to double mobile phone shipments this year to 60 million, including 15 million smart phones.

Huawei previously under the strategic direction of the consumer At this point, bell rang, he took out his pocket phone, this is a iPhone.

R & D Center

request several times, allowing media access to rare Huawei R & D center in Shenzhen, to show the way of its expansion of consumption. Everywhere inside the building reflects Huawei's innovation.

in the first layer, Huawei R & D team shows a series of products under development, including the 4G network card, equipped with smart phones and wireless charger with a transparent shell fashion smart phones.

allow media access to Huawei's R & D center in itself shows that the strategic changes. In the corridor, everywhere close to the hand-painted designs mobile phones and tablet PCs. In the corner, but also placed a unusual 3D printer that can help developers make mobile phone models, to more directly experience their designs.

R & D center of visitors and employees are prohibited cameras and flash memory cards, designed to prevent leakage.

He was recruited Huawei's global R & D one of the many foreigners.


despite Huawei's network equipment has achieved worldwide success, but there is a market is still difficult to get involved, and that is the United States. Huawei with smart phones and tablet PCs to expand the U.S. market.

as the network equipment business in China and other market access platform of Huawei hopes to fast-growing revenue consumer mobile devices. From Australia to Kenya, many markets can cost about 1,500 yuan to buy Huawei smartphone.

industry data show that the fourth quarter of 2010, the global smart phone shipments for the first time beyond the PC, smart phone market by 2015 will reach 341.4 billion U.S. dollars, of which three-quarters come from smartphone.

Huawei is also working to establish their own marketing channels, rather than relying on distributors. The industry believes that Huawei recognized the need to create a consumer brand, but to rely on their own marketing channels, not through dealers.

barriers still exist

Huawei's rapid growth and global reach has been to enhance the company image, but its ambitious overseas expansion plans are still encountered some resistance, partly because, under the leadership Ren Huawei has always maintained a low profile.

24 years ago, Ren alone created 21,000 yuan Huawei. The recent

sources said Ren has two phones, one is Huawei mobile phones, the other one is the iPhone 4, which also reflects changes in Huawei.

February of this year, the U.S. national security concern, Huawei announced the acquisition of U.S. $ 2,000,000 to give up technology company 3Leaf Technologies server program. Three years ago, for the same reason, Huawei has also had to give up on the U.S. telecommunications equipment company 3Com investment. (Ding Hong)

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