
and density increased

2010 Funds in the first half is after the implementation of the early New Deal by plane from the policy, based on market conditions, the Fund's distribution strategy and behavior, investor sentiment and other factors combined effects of fund distribution market in this The new period showed a new pattern of decidedly mixed.

Funds in the first half of the election


domestic market funds: the first half of the total issued 59 funds, of which there are 53 established in the current period, the total size of 103.115 billion yuan; If you include last year's release, set up two funds this year, the first half of the new total size of the fund set up 107.46 billion yuan. In the first half, each month the number of the new Development Fund were 10, 6, 12, 8 16 and 7, showing a very regular bi-monthly fluctuations in shape.

equity funds released 27, is in the first half of the first category; followed by the index funds, 14 were issued, of which 3 only ETF, while supporting distributed three feeder funds; bond Fund issued five, including three belonging to sub-base after the debt level, and the other two are two debt-based, the short-term debt fund; mixed funds released 3; money market fund issued one. From the time of distribution, species distribution, species mainly on high-risk early and late varieties of low-risk gradually increased, showing that the ligand in election, there was greater error.

QDII fund: first half of the QDII fund issued a total of seven, including six in the current set up, the total size of 3.001 billion yuan; with last issue, this year set up a fund in the first half of the total new funds set up scale of 3.593 billion yuan.

first half of the fund market, the main issue is,than in the first quarter increased 17, QDII fund issued less two years ago investors suffered heavy losses in this area have yet to make up for losses, recovered; and the market compared to the past, in 2010 the half the number of new funds to increase distribution, and density increased, both on the same day announced five new fund prospectuses lively scene, there are six new funds issued the same day the grand occasion; first half of the 13 companies did not issue a new fund But does not matter to investors, on the one hand, most companies can issue new products, many of them good company; the other hand, is not the only focus of new fund investments, many of the historical performance of the Fund should be lots of good attention.

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