
police dispatched a helicopter search unsuccessful. Later in the day some local young people

Grenoble on the 17th violence. To protest against the police prior to the arrest of a suspect killed in the course of dozens of young men burning of five cars to the police fired 60.

Interior Bulisi Vernon the day to the region and promised to restore order as soon as possible.

Assaulting dozens of young people burning cars

About 30 young people close to midnight on the 16th to the outskirts of Grenoble, villeneuve community, with baseball bats, iron bars and stones attacked a tram, in orbit fire, forcing the passengers to alight. Police arrived at the scene, they began burning cars and attacked police.

17 Agence France-Presse quoted police spokeswoman Brigette Julian, then reported on the 17th about 2:30 am, a young man fired a shot toward the police. Police then drew back, but fortunately no one was injured. Police used tear gas to disperse the protesters.

Police said 50 vehicles, two stores and a number of building facilities by burning. Two men, aged between 18 to 20 years old man suspected of burning cars were arrested three people suspected of looting shops arrested.

Conflict with the police due to previous incidents in which people kill robbery suspect. The man named Kali Duda, aged 27, arrested on the 16th and early morning armed robbery of a man near Grenoble, a casino, then to bring 20,000 to 40,000 euros fled the scene.

Police gave chase, shot and killed fighting in bududa. The other suspects fled, police dispatched a helicopter search unsuccessful. Later in the day some local young people, protests escalated into violence.

Interior Minister rushed to the fire

Interior Minister Hortefeux 17 to Grenoble, commitment to restore order as soon as possible. He said: "I said 'soon' means 'immediately', meaning that we will rebuild public order ... ... I have asked local officials, from now until things calm down this time, make every effort to protect this community. "" A simple and clear fact is: no future thugs and offenders. "

Hortefeux commitment to the residents of Grenoble, will hit the area drug and arms trafficking activities. However, many residents have misgivings.

A flower shop operator told AFP he feared the government's tough stance has aroused some people's "hostility", so that more violence in the future, it intends to vacate the shop to "revive his deputy."

French police union said the Grenoble region increased violence in recent months with the evidence, to bring more pressure on police. The organization called for increased police deployment in the region.

Suburban hidden risks of conflict

Reuters analysis of the violence occurred mostly in France, built in the fifties and sixties of last century the suburbs of big cities. The region is home to many workers and immigrants, high unemployment, public services are not in place and the people face discrimination and other factors, many conflicts in recent years.

In 2005 France had a large-scale rioting in Paris suburbs by the two immigrant youths electrocuted while hiding from police pursuit caused the death, then quickly spread to 300 towns in France. The riots more than 20 days, causing dozens of injuries, more than 9,000 cars were burned.

Ge Chen (Xinhua Zhuangao)


