
theatrical performances

China news agency, Shanghai, July 16 (Reporter Jiang Yu) - to the Chinese audience to the charm of Japan to invite more Chinese tourists to Japan for sightseeing, the Japan National Tourist Office on the 16th at the \known as the Museum of Shanghai World Expo held in Japan, \

Japan National Tourist Office Executive ditch

macro Hata, Japan National Tourism Administration Chairman Tadatoshi Mamiya attended the opening ceremony of the day's activities. However, the most striking symbol of Japanese culture - of a Geisha, their beautiful appearance, elegant manners, the Expo has attracted many tourists posed for pictures.

The exhibition is divided into \In the experience of the region, southern paradise, the ancient capital of the western, eastern New Town, north four themes of nature, the rich tourism resources in Japan no one left to show the visitors in front of the geisha in which the \Ying Quartet guests.

performance in the region, there are geisha dance performances, traditional Japanese drum performances, theatrical performances, audiences can also enjoy the kimono show. In China,five permanent members of all parties, popular girls in high \

In addition, site visitors can also view the computer synthesis commemorative photos shot in Japan. Museum staff in Japan, said after seeing these photos, \The site also does a professional to help the audience on the spot to develop travel plans to Japan. (END)

