
Xinhua Wen Xian

in the United States North American Aerospace Defense Command in Colorado 3, announced that the United States and Russia will be held August 8 to 11 held a \anti-terrorism military exercise.

It is reported that, in the joint anti-terrorism military exercise, two international flights will be arranged in the same way across the Pacific and from the flight line in Alaska and the Russian Far East. Exercise scenario was painted with the United States flag commercial international flights were hijacked by terrorists, the crew and the ground command center of the communication was cut off. In this case, the Russian military and the North American Aerospace Defense Command, or orders are dispatched fighters to take off the aircraft being diverted flight, was hijacked on international flights for reconnaissance and followed up. When the aircraft arrived in Russia or the United States, another territory, the two sides will exercise how to track tasks to be transferred to the other relay.

the North American Aerospace Defense Command said the United States and Russia fighting interceptor, reconnaissance, airborne early warning aircraft,christian louboutin shoes 2010, aerial refueling aircraft,This article Source, civil aviation authorities and the military, and civilian personnel will participate in the exercise. U.S. troops in Alaska's Elmendorf Air Force Base will be the main base of the United States participating. Related personnel from Canada will also participate in \

the joint anti-terror military exercise by U.S. President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev was meeting in June this year the consensus. Timely implementation of the consensus that the United States and Russia are trying to expand areas of cooperation, but also that the two sides in the fight against international terrorism have a common interest. The U.S. side said that this exercise is to strengthen the military cooperation program as part of the United States and Russia, hoping to strengthen the capacity of the two air counter-terrorism, work together to combat international terrorism. (Xinhua Wen Xian)

at least 1.3 million acres of farmland were damaged.


electric According to foreign news, 6, United Nations officials said, has caused devastating floods in Pakistan, the country's 450 million people were affected.

According to reports, the death toll from the floods has reached 1,christian louboutin pumps cheap,500. But authorities stressed that this is just northwest of the Khyber - Province deaths, moving from north to south with the floods, affecting densely populated Punjab province and Sindh province,Philippe Mexes, I believe the death toll will increase.

United Nations officials described this as a serious disaster. Following the northwestern Pakistan after the country's major grain-producing areas of the affected area in Punjab province, is gradually expanding, at least 1.3 million acres of farmland were damaged.

Pakistan Meteorological Bureau has issued a new flood warning, and in the next 24 hours, rainfall will increase. Some officials warned that many of the villages will continue to face the threat of being submerged in water, rain water is also possible to protect the dam washed away, triggering a more serious disaster.


said the U.S. government

Xinhua reported on August 3 2, said the U.S. government, the Gulf of Mexico oil spill 490 million barrels of crude oil spilled so far, of which 410 million barrels into the Gulf of Mexico. This oil spill from the world's most serious accident in the history of oil spills.

the U.S. government and British Petroleum joint command composed of oil spill response team statement said:

% of the float.

British oil rig leases, to 6 million barrels.

However, according to the latest data on the number of days divided by the oil spill, Gulf of Mexico bottom of the well capacity of 6.2 million barrels of daily oil spill, more than the maximum estimated value of the previous government.

Agence France-Presse reported that a total of 410 million barrels of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico to the oil spill as the worst accident in the history of oil spill over the Gulf of Mexico in 1979,

At the time,According to foreign reports on the 6th, this rig after the explosion caused oil spill,christian louboutin suede pumps, a total of 330 million barrels of crude oil spilled into the Gulf of Mexico.

(This article Source: Xinhua)

This article Source

international online report Bronislaw  Gaussian sworn in as president in a ceremony on the 6th in the Polish capital of Warsaw, Poland, he officially became the fifth president. The day of swearing-in ceremony held on Comorovschi inaugural address, on the upcoming presidential term of office work he faces the prospect.

day of swearing-in ceremony in the Polish Parliament, Speaker of the House Xie Dina Poland hosted the ceremony. Also attending the swearing-in ceremony the same day former President Lech Walesa of Poland, Aleksander Kwasniewski, Prime Minister Donald Tusk, the European Council, Xibuzeke. Comorovschi in the presidential election's main rival, the late President Lech Kaczynski's Wafukaqin Gauss did not attend the swearing-in ceremony.

before the swearing-in ceremony, was attended by all the staff for the April 10 crash in Smolensk, the victims of former Polish President Lech Kaczynski to extend my wife and other victims, a minute's silence. Subsequently, Comorovschi sworn in President of Poland. After the oath, Comorovschi delivered his inaugural address. In his speech Comorovschi said that during his presidency, in order to live up to the expectations of the State, he will make every effort.

make every effort to obtain their understanding and recognition.

In his speech, the new president Comorovschi their term of office of the domestic and foreign policies were reviewed, he said the presidency will fully support the current government. At home,limited investment, he will strive to promote Poland in the field of material and spiritual development and commitment to national modernization.

I will also strive to promote Poland to achieve rapid, but also equitable and balanced development.

foreign policy, Comorovschi stresses the integration of Europe, strengthening the Weimar Triangle co-operation mechanisms, to maintain close ties with the United States and the development of relations with Russia are equally important.

At the same time, there is no good cooperation with Russia, the region's stability and development can not be realized.

In his speech,christian louboutin platform pumps, the new president Comorovschi also stressed the solidarity and cooperation for the importance of Poland. He said that the Polish people can not just only in the most critical moment of unity together, remain united in their daily lives, Chaoyuezhengdang of unity and cooperation is more important significance, and he Jiang Wei Ci Fuchunuli. For the April 10 crash that occurred Smolensk, Comorovschi said it was the Polish people a common disaster and tragedy, but keep in mind his responsibility in this disaster.

Comorovschi sworn in ceremony of President of Poland after the end of former Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski's speech for Comorovschi affirmed.

I think the speech was very successful Poland's new president Comorovschi

public opinion generally considered to be mature moderate politicians, most analysts agree that, along with his official office, will usher in a stable Polish politics of development.

(This article Source: International Online on: Han Xinzhong)

China News Network

BEIJING, Aug. 2 Xinhua integrated media reports, the

reported that the Convention comes into force, parties will be prohibited the manufacture and use of most types of cluster bombs. And,Obama last year said, in principle, the State party must be 8 years to destroy the cluster bombs.

To date, 107 countries signed the Convention. However,christian louboutin shoes 2010, with a large number of cluster bombs in the United States, Russia and other countries did not sign the treaty.

(This article Source: China News Network)



Ballesteros said

WASHINGTON, Aug. 6 Xinhua The U.S. Defense Department spokesman Ross 6 to the Xinhua News Agency confirmed that the U.S. will send ), participated in a series of joint military exercises.

Ballesteros said, this series of exercises will be held in the next few months. But he did not give a specific timetable, but also did not say

Korea and the U.S. late last month in the eastern waters of Korea (Sea of Japan) after the code-named Another Pentagon spokesman  5,Xinhua People's Daily on August 5, said U.S. and South Korea both sides now are

Morrell said the code-named He did not make specific time for exercise instructions.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu Quan 6, said the Chinese side has repeatedly Korea-US joint military exercises that the Chinese side to the parties a clear, firm stand. China urges parties concerned to treat seriously China's concerns and positions.

Earlier, the Chinese side has repeatedly stated its firm opposition to foreign military vessels and planes and other Chinese coastal waters in the Yellow Sea affect China's security interests.

(This article Source: Xinhua on: Wang Fengfeng)

and afterwards

behest of the Taliban, in Afghanistan only 18 years old young woman was brutally killed her husband removed Ai nose and ears

BEIJING, Aug. 2 Xinhua According to Taiwan's , leaving a big hole in the screen face to stir the hearts. Even more shock and awe is covered under the veil, this young woman's ears were also removed the. This is unbearable because of her husband fled their homes in the abuse, but the tragic consequences of her husband's execution.

According to reports, this aged only 18 years old young woman in Afghanistan Aisha (Bibi Aisha) to defend the rights of local women agreed to take photographs. Therefore, the Stanger hope to arouse public concern and complaint,

incident occurred in 2009, Asha unbearable was her husband as a slave, was also subjected to prolonged abuse, and finally decided to run away from home, but was arrested soon after and sentenced to 5 months. But her fate was not in the sentence, relief, and afterwards, her husband accused her of fleeing Taliban Youxiang behavior at home Therefore, Asha, should be suppressed in the younger brother,electricity, the execution by her husband personally, cut off her nose and ears, and finally she will be abandoned in the mountains, intended to let her fend for themselves.

However, the local Asha thought the situation was Such a tragic experience distressing, but reported that a woman such as Aisha in fact not uncommon in Afghanistan.

reports that the Taliban militants in Afghanistan in 1996 to grasp power, when they set a heavy iron regulation of women, strict requirements women must wear masks, and no brother or husband shall not be taken home accompanied by the more not show legs and other body parts, or be lashed, and even nail polish nails will also be stripped, not to mention the use of cosmetics. But in 2001 the Taliban regime was overthrown, finally gradually upgrade the status of local women, some women have can not wear a veil, you can also exercise the right to vote and participate in the election.

reported that the Afghan government is implementing the so-called reconciliation plan, the government and the Taliban are expected to exchange many of the terms of settlement, women's rights issues are therefore strongly suppressed fear. This allows Afghan women to have this fear that they will be In this regard, Asha is also feeling the disfigured face, said, the expense of women's rights.

(This article Source: China News Network)


Global Network reporter Li Zongze reports

Global Times - World Wide Web on Aug. 2 report Global Network reporter Li Zongze reports, August 2, according to Agence France-Presse news, north-west Pakistan, officials said this week the media has been , ending Aug. 2, the country once in 80 years caused serious floods death toll has reached 1,500, the current number continues to rise.

reported that the ferocious floods due to heavy rain, most of the victims have not had time to rescue Pakistan's home property. After the flood,Beijing Times, many of whom are now destitute. Nowshera town in a serious disaster, and you could see bodies floating livestock. Affected by the flood disaster has reached 250 million people of Pakistan.

visiting Europe in the Pakistani officials said that at present the greatest threat to the country by not terrorists, but floods.

(This article Source: Global Times - World Wide Web)

the FBI and the Justice Department will decide how to proceed next.

BEIJING, Aug. 7 Xinhua According to Singapore's \The U.S. government is asking the site, the immediate return of confidential documents not yet published, and delete the contents have been published.

wiki leaks (WikiLeaks, before the translation wiki decrypt) the new file package size to 1.4GB,when things worsen when, than previously announced that 77,000 copies of the confidential documents of the U.S. military out of 20 times the size bigger. However, the wiki on this document leaked to the highest level of encryption package, experts said, unless it was announced encrypted password, otherwise, this encryption is almost impossible to untie.

U.S. Department of Defense spokesman Morrell said, if the wiki do not want to return the leaked documents, the FBI and the Justice Department will decide how to proceed next.

Xinhua on

WASHINGTON, Aug. 2 Xinhua on the 2nd U.S. President Barack Obama said the United States by the end of August will be scheduled to end combat missions in Iraq, the withdrawal of combat troops. The remaining U.S. troops will provide support to Iraqi forces until the end of next year all of the withdrawal.

Obama day in Atlanta,may still be A secret war, Georgia, United States Veterans Disability said in a speech during the General Assembly, combat troops from Iraq's actions are carried out according to plan, the U.S. military has closed or transfer of hundreds of Iraq military bases, transported out of the millions of pieces of military equipment, troops will be on August 31 before the schedule. He said that by the end of August this year, since he took office in January last year, since the withdrawal of U.S. troops in Iraq will be more than 9 million people.

according to Obama's withdrawal timetable for U.S. combat troops will withdraw from Iraq by the end of August before all of the remaining approximately 5 million people will withdraw before the end of 2011. Obama said that after the withdrawal of all combat troops remain in Iraq until the U.S. non-combat troops will be primarily responsible for the withdrawal of Iraqi forces to provide support and training, counter-terrorism with the Iraqi side to implement the task, as well as U.S. personnel and goals security and so on.

withdrawal of U.S. troops in full swing, while the security situation in Iraq in recent nosedive, a chain of suicide bombings occurred intensive. Official figures show that violent attacks in Iraq in July because of the number of civilians have died in two years a new high. At the same time, Iraq on March 7 parliamentary elections into a political deadlock, the new government has barely formed, so that the outside world after the U.S. pullout from Iraq, the political and security concerns about the future.

(This article Source: Xinhua on: Wang Fengfeng)


Reported that the power supply because of Indonesia's infrastructure old

BEIJING, July 22 Xinhua Singapore, "David Keys," 22 reported that 21 large-scale blackout in Indonesia,MBT Panda Sandals, Jakarta, Jakarta central business district and international airport were affected.

According to reports, the Indonesian state electricity company (PLN) officials said an explosion caused by power failure is a substation, the authorities still investigating cause the explosion.

The official said the district is located north of Jakarta 穆阿拉卡朗 a substation explosion, but the problem is not the transformer.

Indonesia's national power company staff that, in some areas electricity supply has been gradually recovering.

Jakarta International Airport spokesman said that although the airport's electricity supply was cut off,compression dog biscuits", but since the airport started the generator, it will not affect its operation. Check-in process is still quite smooth.

Reported that the power supply because of Indonesia's infrastructure old, is not perfect, so often shortage of power supply or power failure and so on. In order to increase revenue and build new infrastructure to improve power supply services, Indonesia's national power company this month will have an average tariff increase of 10%. But analysts pointed out that this additional income was not sufficient to bear the cost incurred by the company.

(This article Source: China News Network)


Nissan also said the company conducted a test earlier did not find any oil leakage

Xinmin Net reported on July 27 evening Beijing time on July 26, Nissan Motor Co. said it is recalling about 46,000 Cube car, because the tail collisions may lead to excessive oil leakage. Nissan said in a federal filing that,This article Source,MBT Karani Shoes, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to conduct the test, Cube fuel leaked after the collision exceeded established federal standards.

Nissan also said the company conducted a test earlier did not find any oil leakage, but the company decided to recall the 46,000 volunteer Cube car. Nissan said last week that the matter informed the dealer that they would prior to August 30 notify the owner of The recall involves 2009 and 2010 Cube part of the annual output of cars. Dealers will add a special vehicle-related protective cover to guard against possible future impact of oil leakage.

(This article Source: Xinmin Network)


DVD and other electronic products

International online on July 23 reported: According to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) 7 月 22 message, the European Commission recently released a report, 27 Member States in 2009 confiscated counterfeit and pirated products surged more than 2008 an increase of 10 percentage points. 64% of the fakes come from China.

Reported in 2009 confiscated fake and pirated products, the largest apparel products,MBT Fumba Sandals, accounting for 27% of the number of fakes. Confiscation of tobacco products accounted for 19% of other tobacco products accounted for 16%, 13% of trade mark counterfeiting, counterfeit drugs accounted for 10%. Illegal pirated CD, DVD and other electronic products, the ratio declined.

Report noted that the counterfeit goods from China accounted for 64% of the total. In addition, the counterfeit and shoddy food and drink come from Turkey; fake medicines mainly come from Saudi Arabia; counterfeit toys and games supplies mainly from Egypt.

The report said, is a violation of intellectual property law in the past most luxury products, but now more and more essential commodities have become false object. A large number of counterfeit shampoos, toothpaste, toys, medicines and appliances,slogan reads, all on the public health threat.

(This article Source: International line of: International Tourism)

China Daily

According to Russian media reports,The cemetery inspector said in a will,cheap MBT Kisumu, Russia's North Caucasus Republic of Chechnya, fighting, two soldiers were killed in the crossfire, and another one injured.

According to local police said unidentified gunmen attacked the Chechen capital of Grozny near the military escort, and exchanged fire with them. Soldiers wounded in the crossfire have been rushed to hospital.

In the Russian North Caucasus Republic of Dagestan, Ingushetia and the Chechen Republic continued lest recent spate of more explosions, assault on police, killing a number of casualties. Russian government to step up suppression of illegal armed, but also began to focus on improving local people's livelihood and economic situation.

(Source: China Daily Renc Editor: Dong Wei)

(This article Source: China Daily)

July 20

International reporting online on July 21, according to the British "Daily Mail" and "Daily Telegraph" on July 21 Roundup, July 20, 1944, the German officer Claus von - Stauffenberg planning the assassination of Nazi Adolf Hitler, but the action failed,only 53 years old. Strangely enough, Stauffenberg was executed. As the Nazis did not want people to know his place of burial, where his tomb is still an unsolved mystery. Recently, the German government in Berlin outskirts of a small woods found suspected Stauffenberg cemetery.

Berlin suburb of Wilmersdorf in 古特菲尔德 a cemetery before the will of inspector exposure, he said his predecessor in the 20th century, died 50 years ago, told him about Stauffenberg cemetery things, to he described in July 20, 1944 and 21 on the evening of "secret action."

July 20, 1944, had lost the battle in Tunisia, one eye, a hand and two fingers Stauffenberg, plans to use briefcase bomb Hitler meeting with senior military officers. But the bomb failed to kill Hitler,mbt walking shoes, a general trigger explosive devices, Hitler survived under the protection of oak tables. Stauffenberg and other officers in the assassination attempt failed several hours after the execution.

The cemetery inspector said in a will, Stauffenberg was executed that night, some SS officers were wake-up, they were asked to dig a big enough graves to bury 10 people. Graves dug, they returned to quarters, were warned not allowed to say anything. A few days later, the assassination came to light, we only know that the body was buried the same evening is Stauffenberg and his comrades. As the Nazis did not want people to know where the graves, so do not leave any records.

Stauffenberg is considered a hero of modern Germany, many of the streets or buildings named after him. If this discovery is really Stauffenberg and others, the tomb, they will be re-buried with honors.

(This article Source: International Online on: Shen Shu Hua)


BP said in a statement noted "

BEIJING, July 26 Xinhua According to foreign reports, after media reports on British Petroleum (BP) may be the outgoing president of Hayward reports, BP26 day, said the management changes have not yet made a final decision of the issue.

BP said in a statement noted "the media speculation regarding the possible change in management reports."

Statement said, "BP confirmed that no final decision on the matter."

Statement,not specifically the Mandela family., BP board of directors will be announced in time for the 27 second-quarter earnings before the meeting in the evening local time on the 26th.

BP statement said, "any decision will be announced as appropriate."

According to foreign news agencies had reported that Hayward may be about to leave, retention or dismissal of specific questions on its future will be announced within 24 hours.

Hayward inappropriate as they deal with the Gulf of Mexico oil spill has been the U.S. media and White House officials strongly condemned; while the oil spill, BP could be expected to cause up to 30 billion dollars in economic losses.

Reported that BP is now, and Hayward to start negotiations for its termination conditions.


South America

China News Net July 25, according to BBC reports,the position of international law, South America, Peru has suffered a rare cold weather for many years, as the temperature is too low, the Government of Peru declared a state of emergency 24.

Reported frequent visits in the very low under the cold air, temperatures in most parts of Peru has been reduced to a rare low for many years. Temperatures in some parts of southern and even only 23 degrees below zero, the capital of Lima, only 8.8 degrees, creating nearly 50 years of extreme value.

It is reported that in Peru there are hundreds of people nationwide have been frozen to death.

(This article Source: China News Network)

Deputy Secretary for Farnborough in the UK

BEIJING, July 21 Reuters,Whether ", Interfax news agency quoted Russian military on the 20th, then a senior official said the Russian arms export orders this year will create a new post-Soviet era record, totaling more than 9 billion U.S. dollars.

Russian military-technical cooperation Alexander Fomin, Deputy Secretary for Farnborough in the UK, said: "According to the first half of this year's orders, we can achieve a predetermined plan."

Last year, Russian arms exports reached 8.5 billion U.S. dollars, analysts said the scale of Russian arms exports may have reached the limit.

Russian military think tank, "Strategic Technology Analysis Center," said Russia's arms exports in 2010 are expected to include about 40 "Su-27/30" series of fighter planes.

Russia to India this year will be based on final delivery of 16 MiG-29K fighter aircraft.

(This article Source: China News Network)

precipitation in western Liaoning cities of more than 100 mm. From 20 onwards

summer weather after the first rains began to attack from the 19th Liaoning throughout the night. The next 3 days, precipitation in western Liaoning cities of more than 100 mm. From 20 onwards, Liaoning Province, the main flood season than the normal 3 days in advance.

Shenyang Central Meteorological Observatory, according to deputy director Jiang Taikai introduction, expected 19 to 20, the night the day, Jinzhou, Fuxin South, Chaoyang, Panjin,I hope this season for Arsenal win. For them, Huludao area storm, local heavy rain, precipitation will reach 50-120 mm; Shenyang, Dalian, Anshan and Yingkou, Fuxin, Liaoyang, Tieling heavy rain, local rainfall; 21 to 22 day and night, Fushun, Benxi, Dandong region with heavy rain, locally heavy rain.

defined according to the weather and future weather trends analysis, Liaoning Provincial Meteorological Bureau announced that the province from July 20 to enter the main flood season than the normal 3 days in advance. Liaoning, the main flood season over the years the average duration of 20 days (July 23 to August 11), the first to enter the main flood season is July 5, 2008, no later than the main flood season is August 12, 1993, last year does not appear the main flood season.

the first since the beginning of summer rainfall is the Liaoning regional heavy rain process, meteorological department recommends the relevant departments to guard against floods, urban waterlogging, such as landslides and debris flow disaster. (Xu Yang)


July 21, Washington, hold high the banner front of the building in the United States Department of Agriculture demonstrated in support of Sherrod, Sherrod protest dismissed the Ministry of Agriculture.

People's Network on July 24 reported a racial storm, black female executive in the United States Department of Agriculture Shirley Sherrod's fate to be rewritten in only twice a week, she will not pressure of cross-God --- from a common The U.S. Department of Agriculture staff have suddenly become the black "racist" and forced to resign; and then immediately switch back to "human rights heroine," President Barack Obama personally apologize to dial her cell phone, a good job in the face of random selection. All this "disorder" experience, both originated from a video taken out of context, and ideological roots are not completely eliminate racial discrimination and people without thinking of the media madness and sought after.

Period of two and a half minutes of video clips, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development, Georgia Department of black female official Shirley Sherrod into a racial controversy. In the video, she was tantamount to a "black racist." U.S. Department of Agriculture and exerted great pressure on the White House then, forced her to resign. Less than two days, we found that this was a miscarriage, the White House with the President of the group were fooled, so he hastened to apologize for chasing Sherrod. Obama also had to personally apologize to phone call, dial only connect three. The whole process as quick and absurd play a movie.

Black female executive resigned wronged

For black female executives Shirley Sherrod's event,First attacked the local garrison, from the alleged offense, conviction to the "execution" --- less than half a day. "NAACP" and even issued a statement affirming that the government's efficiency.

July 19 morning, a U.S. head of the conservative Web site Barthes uploaded on his blog for a long time two and a half minutes of video, this is Shirley? Sherrod March 10 in "National NAACP, "the speech segment.

In the two and a half of the video, Sherrod recalled the experience of 24 years ago. It was 1986, when she had not entered the Ministry of Agriculture, but in a charitable institution. She admitted that when a white farmer because of financial difficulties to seek help themselves, their own doubts, and not "do its utmost to help him." From the contents of this video clip, it is easy to give the impression left Sherrod white discrimination.

(This article Source: People's Network)


wind power project development pre-World Science Department chief told reporters

Fuxin Mongolian Autonomous County

Mr. Huang five years old miaozhen venture in Shenzhen, in mid-July this year, the first return visit, he marveled at the new changes in Fuxin, a few series of shouting \.

first did not think that the car entered the boundaries of the old temple, saw both sides of a road Block majestic tall windmill wind Spinning Dance, and the scenery spectacular. The second did not expect that the memory of sea mines have already fundamentally changed the state, not only for comprehensive management of large-scale, green vegetation, but also built a beautiful museum, and even the square lights are installed Wind power generation system. The past, \

7 16, we arrived in Fuxin City, the newly established Bureau of Energy, wind power project development pre-World Science Department chief told reporters: \Data are always changing, foreign, private enterprises and state-owned large-scale presence, the central enterprises has reached 10, almost all have the capacity of wind power development enterprises are central to the Fuxin. \

family tradition from the first power in 2003 in Shenyang Jinshan Development Enterprises Zhangwu settled in 2007, the first central Qihua can invest in wind power development in Fuxin do lead to the end of June this year to invest in wind power development in Fuxin has reached 16 companies home, initially formed Huaneng, Datang, China Guangdong Nuclear Power, China Resources, State Power and other ten central enterprises as the core support of foreign and private capital to actively participate in the comprehensive development of a new pattern.

Fuxin City in charge of Development and Reform Commission said that in order to build the country Fuxin important new energy base, the city that \area, construction of 20 wind farms, the formation of 1.8 million kilowatts installed capacity. As of the end 6, the city of wind power has been completed 4.2 billion investment in fixed assets, to achieve grid 925 thousand kilowatts,but this is only RS6 travel version of the data., to maintain the province first.

1 27, Fuxin City, China Resources Holdings and Hong Kong signed a long-term cooperation agreement, the group in the next 10 years no less than 500 million U.S. dollars each year's investment in the areas of Fuxin wind power development. At present, China Resources Group has begun plans to build in the formation of 700 thousand kilowatts of wind power projects. Huaneng Group has completed 500,000 kilowatts in the formation of wind power projects with a total investment of 5.23 billion yuan.

Fuxin, a number of central enterprises get together

development of wind power, to attract industrial projects related to supporting investors flocked to Texas, led the Fuxin wind power equipment manufacturing sector is rising rapidly. Goldwind Science and Technology Group, and investment 900 million yuan in the production of wind power the host project, Guangdong Ming Yang hosts an annual output of 200 units of 1.5 MW and leaves the project has settled in Fuxin. Now, from the fan tower tube, hub, to the flange, box changes, control system and fan assembly, a wind power equipment manufacturing through all aspects of the wind power industry chain has been formed in Fuxin.

Fuxin census according to the latest wind conditions, and further adjustment of the wind power industry development plan, by 2015, the city will complete the construction of 6.75 million kilowatts of wind power installed capacity, this expansion than originally planned installed capacity of 3.75 times the current wind power development projects in the new plan has been swept ahead of these big companies. This also means that the city of about 10,000 square kilometers of land, will appear in more than 100 wind farms. A modern city of wind power will rise in the North Western Liaoning ground, \Reporter Zhengyou Sheng Guo Star

prosperous and harmonious the world and work hard.

BEIJING Geneva on July 19 (Xinhua Zhang Ran) Third World Conference of Presiding Officers am local time on July 19 at the United Nations Office at Geneva,raw materials, Palais des Nations, China's National People's Congress Chairman Wu Bangguo attended the opening ceremony, made at the plenary session entitled \

Wu Bangguo in his speech on achieving the Millennium Development Goals put forward three proposals:

one to confidence. Confidence to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, an important prerequisite.

Second, we must strengthen cooperation. Strengthening cooperation is an effective way to the Millennium Development Goals.

three to preserve peace. The maintenance of peace is fundamental to achieving the Millennium Development Goals protection.

Wu stressed that China, the world's largest developing country, adhere to the development as the top priority, and adhere to peaceful development, uphold the equality of the sexes, saving resources and environmental protection of these basic policies established by the Constitution to the actual action to achieve United Nations Millennium Development Goals, promote and make positive contributions.

Wu said the NPC is willing to work together with national parliaments in the world, take full advantage of this important stage of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, actively carry out various forms of multilateral cooperation, to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, as Gou Jian lasting 和平, prosperous and harmonious the world and work hard. (END)

private funds into the regulatory perspective.

the political game more than a year, the U.S. Senate on the 15th financial regulatory reform bill passed the final version, completed this financial reform legislation. The new bill is considered \

new bill stressed the importance of all financial institutions with systems into under the framework of macro-prudential supervision. Systemic risk on financial institutions, the Bill proposed a higher capital adequacy, leverage limit and risk concentration requirements.

new bill on the bank proprietary trading and high-risk derivatives trading to a more stringent constraints, lack of supervision of the OTC derivatives market before, hedge funds, private funds into the regulatory perspective.

Wall Street analysts expect the new law relating to restrictions on bank proprietary trading, derivatives trading stripped part of the terms of a large securities company profits will drop 10%. But the new rules on financial supervision in terms of Wall Street giant,met in Beijing, does not mean end of the world.

In fact, the final bill baked with the government than Obama's original concept of severity has been significantly weakened. For example, the final version of the bill, the Bank shall agricultural swaps, energy swaps, swaps and other risk most metals largest derivatives trading business split into subsidiaries, but may retain its interest rate swaps, currency swaps, and gold and silver swaps and other services.

and interest rate contracts held by commercial banks and foreign exchange contracts account for about all kinds of derivatives of the total Jiucheng more, stripping bill is only a small part of banks derivatives business, not significantly affected.

bank proprietary trading in restricted areas, the end result is a compromise that allowed banks to invest in hedge funds and private equity funds, but the scale of funds shall not exceed 3% of its level of capital. For a capital of billions of dollars every turn Wall Street giant, the 3% limit means that the bank can still come up with billions of dollars in proprietary trading.

39 hours Bayingolin average rainfall of 246.2mm

BEIJING, Brazil July 19 (Xinhua Yan Yinchan Under Network Environment) the afternoon of 19 journalists from BAZHONG Bayingolin party committee propaganda department was informed that heavy rain since 16, has made 61.6 million people were affected area , 7.6 million people drinking water, 618 people were injured, 1 dead, 1 missing.

It is understood that at 3 o'clock on the 16 July to 14:00, at 22 o'clock on the July 16 to at 13 o'clock on the July 18, 39 hours Bayingolin average rainfall of 246.2mm, the maximum rainfall 367.6mm. City the highest water level 351.04 m, flow rate per 5460 cubic meters. Related Bazhou District People's Government told reporters that the heavy rainfall to the area of agriculture, fisheries, houses, water, roads and other heavy losses.

According to statistics, the heavy rainfall has led to the area damaged 10,762 houses 4017, 5825 fall of 3729, emergency relocated 12,189 people; occurred 959 geological disasters,a pseudonym, geological disasters, large 50; food crops (rice , maize, sweet potato) affected 109,510 acres (73,670 acres disaster, crops 35,840 acres); non-grade road damage 475 3750 km, 24 County Road interrupted by landslides and other dangers; 9 small hydropower, and 2 Power Supply Power Distribution Center being damaged and low-voltage poles 960 break down, damage to transformers, 2 sets of 15 towns the power failure; 25 market towns focus on damage to water supply, 7.6 thousand people drinking water, direct economic losses of 415 million yuan.

19 days, Bazhou District Government held a meeting, the deployment of post-disaster restoration and reconstruction work, ensure the people to be fed, sheltered, clothed, with clean water to drink, to restore production and living areas and flood complete disinfection. (END)

three consecutive pinch

45-year-old Xu Mingjie is Jiangbei 636 Road Passenger Transport Department of the famous \Yesterday, a female university students in Xi'an, dry brother recognized him, because a few days ago, Xu Mingjie saved her life.

rescue the driver fainted girl site

\a young girl lying motionless on the platform, in the few days before the summer of Xu Mingjie had thought: she is not heat up? He then got out, shook the girl lying on the ground, cried a few times did not wake up, the young girl had fallen into a coma.

\Mazda is also the owner of an open advised Xu Mingjie, or not to save the. After listening to drivers, then Xu Mingjie scared, he carefully looked at the faces of girls, girls face close to half of the ground floor has been roasted red hot, He immediately raised his head and started for girls to go out of pinch, three consecutive pinch, the little girl opened his eyes weakly. See girls with signs of awakening, Xu Mingjie turned back to the car, found a towel in the water bucket self-wet, and covering the girl's forehead.

\Li pulled out of 20 dollars,including three vehicles, request the black truck drivers to help the girl home, did not think that no one owner is willing. In desperation, he had to hold the girls on the bus brought Ge Tong, also bought her two bottles of iced tea, refreshing air consumption, this time more than half of girls had been sober, and out of danger, his face gradually rosy.

19-year-old Tan Jingyang is a student at the University of Xi'an, there are Jiangbei a service center to help the old practice. That afternoon, she was rushed to the service center to the two old scraping, \the car, even the name of the station no see, they faint. It is understood that Tan Jingyang was because of heart attack, insufficient blood supply leading to coma, also appeared before similar symptoms.

many elderly people often under their care

\He was then regarded car stable, flat, and saw the old people on the train, he always inviting voice shouted: trouble for the elderly for a seat! Over time, several passengers have to recognize him old adopted son, young as he was good-tempered old friend won the vote, in Xu Mingjie the phone with each of them keep the telephone number of the elderly because they do not know name, phone book filled with the white-haired old lady, white hair old man such names.

After doing a good

Xu Mingjie, no one to tell, or a girl knocks on your door to \Took the leadership team of 50 yuan on the spot awards, Xu Mingjie still a little embarrassed, and repeatedly asked a reporter manuscript can not be \(Correspondent's Xu Yuan Ren Guilin intern Shenglan Ling Park)