
July 20

International reporting online on July 21, according to the British "Daily Mail" and "Daily Telegraph" on July 21 Roundup, July 20, 1944, the German officer Claus von - Stauffenberg planning the assassination of Nazi Adolf Hitler, but the action failed,only 53 years old. Strangely enough, Stauffenberg was executed. As the Nazis did not want people to know his place of burial, where his tomb is still an unsolved mystery. Recently, the German government in Berlin outskirts of a small woods found suspected Stauffenberg cemetery.

Berlin suburb of Wilmersdorf in 古特菲尔德 a cemetery before the will of inspector exposure, he said his predecessor in the 20th century, died 50 years ago, told him about Stauffenberg cemetery things, to he described in July 20, 1944 and 21 on the evening of "secret action."

July 20, 1944, had lost the battle in Tunisia, one eye, a hand and two fingers Stauffenberg, plans to use briefcase bomb Hitler meeting with senior military officers. But the bomb failed to kill Hitler,mbt walking shoes, a general trigger explosive devices, Hitler survived under the protection of oak tables. Stauffenberg and other officers in the assassination attempt failed several hours after the execution.

The cemetery inspector said in a will, Stauffenberg was executed that night, some SS officers were wake-up, they were asked to dig a big enough graves to bury 10 people. Graves dug, they returned to quarters, were warned not allowed to say anything. A few days later, the assassination came to light, we only know that the body was buried the same evening is Stauffenberg and his comrades. As the Nazis did not want people to know where the graves, so do not leave any records.

Stauffenberg is considered a hero of modern Germany, many of the streets or buildings named after him. If this discovery is really Stauffenberg and others, the tomb, they will be re-buried with honors.

(This article Source: International Online on: Shen Shu Hua)

