
three consecutive pinch

45-year-old Xu Mingjie is Jiangbei 636 Road Passenger Transport Department of the famous \Yesterday, a female university students in Xi'an, dry brother recognized him, because a few days ago, Xu Mingjie saved her life.

rescue the driver fainted girl site

\a young girl lying motionless on the platform, in the few days before the summer of Xu Mingjie had thought: she is not heat up? He then got out, shook the girl lying on the ground, cried a few times did not wake up, the young girl had fallen into a coma.

\Mazda is also the owner of an open advised Xu Mingjie, or not to save the. After listening to drivers, then Xu Mingjie scared, he carefully looked at the faces of girls, girls face close to half of the ground floor has been roasted red hot, He immediately raised his head and started for girls to go out of pinch, three consecutive pinch, the little girl opened his eyes weakly. See girls with signs of awakening, Xu Mingjie turned back to the car, found a towel in the water bucket self-wet, and covering the girl's forehead.

\Li pulled out of 20 dollars,including three vehicles, request the black truck drivers to help the girl home, did not think that no one owner is willing. In desperation, he had to hold the girls on the bus brought Ge Tong, also bought her two bottles of iced tea, refreshing air consumption, this time more than half of girls had been sober, and out of danger, his face gradually rosy.

19-year-old Tan Jingyang is a student at the University of Xi'an, there are Jiangbei a service center to help the old practice. That afternoon, she was rushed to the service center to the two old scraping, \the car, even the name of the station no see, they faint. It is understood that Tan Jingyang was because of heart attack, insufficient blood supply leading to coma, also appeared before similar symptoms.

many elderly people often under their care

\He was then regarded car stable, flat, and saw the old people on the train, he always inviting voice shouted: trouble for the elderly for a seat! Over time, several passengers have to recognize him old adopted son, young as he was good-tempered old friend won the vote, in Xu Mingjie the phone with each of them keep the telephone number of the elderly because they do not know name, phone book filled with the white-haired old lady, white hair old man such names.

After doing a good

Xu Mingjie, no one to tell, or a girl knocks on your door to \Took the leadership team of 50 yuan on the spot awards, Xu Mingjie still a little embarrassed, and repeatedly asked a reporter manuscript can not be \(Correspondent's Xu Yuan Ren Guilin intern Shenglan Ling Park)

