
DVD and other electronic products

International online on July 23 reported: According to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) 7 月 22 message, the European Commission recently released a report, 27 Member States in 2009 confiscated counterfeit and pirated products surged more than 2008 an increase of 10 percentage points. 64% of the fakes come from China.

Reported in 2009 confiscated fake and pirated products, the largest apparel products,MBT Fumba Sandals, accounting for 27% of the number of fakes. Confiscation of tobacco products accounted for 19% of other tobacco products accounted for 16%, 13% of trade mark counterfeiting, counterfeit drugs accounted for 10%. Illegal pirated CD, DVD and other electronic products, the ratio declined.

Report noted that the counterfeit goods from China accounted for 64% of the total. In addition, the counterfeit and shoddy food and drink come from Turkey; fake medicines mainly come from Saudi Arabia; counterfeit toys and games supplies mainly from Egypt.

The report said, is a violation of intellectual property law in the past most luxury products, but now more and more essential commodities have become false object. A large number of counterfeit shampoos, toothpaste, toys, medicines and appliances,slogan reads, all on the public health threat.

(This article Source: International line of: International Tourism)

