
has resist the enemy at arm's length to contain the enemy's important strategic position

North Korean nuclear facilities in the newly self-destruct soon, multilateral talks are still ongoing, did not expect the DPRK successfully conducted another underground nuclear testing. Also did not expect the DPRK announced its withdrawal from the Armistice Agreement was surprised, and claimed Japan and South Korea in its western waters near the vessel's safety is not guaranteed past.

did not expect the incoming, the world all the countries of the DPRK new light. The US-led anti-DPRK camp complete disarray, confused. Guess is dazzling variety of comments, people have confused feelings about the world.

but most did not think of me, but in this case, China's attitude is the attitude of most people in China. China and most people did not think of North Korea's nuclear explosion is a threat to China, the challenges to world peace. As a country of long history and rich culture of the big countries, China is more than distant neighbors should know the truth. And China's coveted hungry imperialist, occupation and attempt to carve up China is growing rather than disappeared. Flagrant invasion looting of the past than they used a more \Picture of the surface glitz of China to the Chinese people is their opium, opium than in the past made for the Chinese people is worse than a beautiful illusion, and also more natural. A modern slavery system with characteristics of developing countries infected with the virus about China. Many people in China were sold back to other people to count the money! Our elders before the Indians called India Asan, which means idiot. Now it seems really did not leave India from the inside out, from head to foot much of the printed word inscribed \From national policy to the national foundation, none of them are from Indian. Guard the national territory with the defense technology and facilities from abroad. As long as a little-minded person knows that others will sell you the best shield for defense of his spear, or spear to sell you the best chance to break his shield What? India is still a modern colonial, modern slavery system characteristics with developing countries, HIV has increasingly improved in India.

North Korea as China's neighbor, has resist the enemy at arm's length to contain the enemy's important strategic position, and at critical moments, between China and the DPRK to help streamline the issues are the most effective and maximum resolve. North Korea's nuclear test, a great degree of interference of the American Far Eastern strategic plan, leaving the United States in the Far East had to adjust the strategic direction of two pieces. In fact, this is God has given China a breathing space, if China can not clear, the Chinese people will feel the wound is healed, the pain would forget the lessons of history. Reality and history there are many striking similarities, is not similar, but already the same, just a new name. They sold that package or Ecstasy.

thinking another might ask the Chinese that he is really strong yet? Really do not need this neighbor of North Korea? Take a look at Indonesia's anti-Chinese incidents again and again to see if the bombing of Yugoslavia and China Consulate to see recently in Papua New Guinea, the Chinese mob destroyed the events, like how the final outcome? If China is really strong, and these things will happen? There Shuigan Dong us Chinese? But the fact is that our Chinese compatriots in a foreign land all kinds of humiliation and even loss of life and loved ones, in addition to the motherland, protest rhetoric, but also what? As we called them and the Chinese people, they have been bullied by a bully is what we are, and they were playing that we were playing, and we also thinks a gentleman, not interfering with the bandits, hooligans. Over time, small countries can ride a bullet head in the Chinese, because they know that China just may, in Howling and lost all the teeth of lions! By that time, who will bulging chest that they are Chinese?

Chinese compatriots, please sober! Busy night hidden under a dirty crime, the status of China's impractical, it is also unpredictable hidden nightmare. Now wake up too late.

like love

Shake out the ash to ash, like love, the smoke forced eyes spit it tears
addictive love your addiction I spent on gaunt slowly wither
day and night I will not love you, love you but happens to lose you < br> love you more than the fate of the remaining fear is fear I am sorry you
not let you accompany me to the end of the beginning destined love you
heartbreak is why the relics from the cruel happiness will never love you
end do not care where


to escape everything here. Phone

If a boy cried for you, please grab his hand, he can accompany you through life
a friend told me that he cried for a girl.
if you took his hand, he can accompany you through life
if you give up, he will be very difficult to go back to their former. \down, my heart suddenly very depressed ... ...
thought of him - the boy was crying for me.

for the first time, I decided to leave him. He told me that as long as my happiness. I saw him fight back tears, I know, turned when he cried.
second time, I told him that I deceive * him. He told me, will forgive me, because he loves me. He held me and cried, and I know he must be very disappointed.
third time, Valentine's Day. He held onto me tightly and told me not to leave him. He will not let me see his face, I knew he was crying.
the end, he chose to leave. I know, I feel that he is desperate. Maybe I'm wrong too, everything is irreversible. I also chose to leave. Leave this city, to escape everything here. Phone, he was crying begging me to stay, but I resolutely decided to leave. He cried, the last time for me to cry ... ...
Now, we all changed. He changed, and became familiar with in the past, to him, maybe just silly. I've changed, become numb, in the past for me, maybe only regret.
past my willfulness, he has been hurt countless times. Now, he has no serious feelings as in the past. I know that everything has changed. If, all over again, I will not leave. Not worth a lifetime love of people to leave.
boy, do not cry easily, only to face a favorite person, will become fragile.
boy, do not cry easily, only too fond of you, will put down self-esteem.
girls, if you have a boy cried for you, please grab his hand, he can accompany you through life.
girls, if you have a boy cried for you, please do not abandon him, and perhaps a choice will destroy a person ... ...
transferred from Daisy Li Bing Xian Online



If the 26 English letters were compiled by the A to Z on a 1-26 score,
your knowledge (KNOWLEDGE) 11 +14 +15 +23 can only get +12 +5 +4 +7 +5 = 96
you work hard (HARDWORK) can only be 8 +1 +18 +4 +23 +15 +18 +11 = 98 points
only your attitude (ATTITUDE) is all about your life 1 +20 +20 +9 +20 +21 +4 +5 = 100

be afraid of the first step out of line.

Is not all we need are there at the right time.
Sometimes can only choose to stay feel necessary.
Otherwise miss.
Just feel the need.
Even if the wrong .
do not think that the wrong on it.
will be such a self-comfort.
also some people even if the wrong.
will not feel regret.
most people understand their not his own time.
only blame their own people do not understand.
and not think about is their own choice without the.
will be sad all the original wrong.
the wrong choice the.
missed the going back.
one are wrong.
want more and still be wrong.
when their own world.
say they are wrong time.
was not much to say.
unable to counter.
best of totally cut down trees that flourish.
with all the deep on the ground floor should be cleaned.
But I always said the right.
can not fully implemented.
be afraid of the first step out of line.
will have problems.
and then retracted it the first step.
I How can it own salvation.


this log from the QQ mailbox! Convenient new way to write Qzone details Come>>

this log from the QQ mailbox! Convenient new way to write Qzone details Come>>

4] husband should always pay attention to appearance

1] strongly support a wife, obey the leadership of his wife.
2] strictly abide by the rest of time, 7 o'clock in the morning to get up to do breakfast, at 11; 30 minutes after the sleep, is strictly prohibited late, leave early and lower service standards endless holidays.
3] husband continued to improve his cooking, massage and other techniques to master.
4] husband should always pay attention to appearance, instrument, not disheveled prohibited in outdoor wear outlandish and frivolous manner, in order to 'get into the kitchen, the hall was'
5] monthly wages, bonuses and All income must be turned over to the wife, not against payment, shall not be left out establishment of a private individual accounts, is strictly prohibited.
6] responsible for their children from school to school transfer tasks, holidays to strictly implement the 'holiday duty' upstream park with their children [shall not take the opportunity to chat to other women heads of household]

7] often used to accompany my mother to do everything he wants things.
8] husband of the home to full responsibility for health, health checks to \
9] In addition to holidays not watch television, non-wife grab the remote control, non-noisy, non-wife does not like to watch football matches and any programs.
these regulations, if adopted, I will immediately leave a single.

She becomes beautiful because of cosmetics but it is just a mask

She becomes beautiful because of cosmetics but it is just a mask

after discharge is still a pale face
beautiful clothes for her noble
but become just a shell
these are just the cost of money in exchange for these women is not sad
that was not
better than bare a strong aging and helpless face it
why she so beautiful what?
she smiled so bright seems to be no trace of trouble

she became the envy of everyone that she was not the focus of
huge luxury house money
not only a contentment she
a forgiving heart
because you did not, so you're not beautiful

plus you had known QQ would be finished

Tang Seng apprentice line 81 through 99 difficult to finally see the strike Scriptures
Tathagata Buddha asked: \. . .
Tathagata asks: \. . .
Tathagata continue to ask: \, plus you had known QQ would be finished, I also go so far doing!
Tang Monk: Monkey King, you really, you put Zhi Zhujing are killed, you see, do not net the right!
Tathagata Q: Do you not with MP4?
Tang Seng apprenticeship...
Tathagata: That is the way how your entertainment?
Tang Seng Mentoring: 打怪 upgrade

Tang Monk back after the Tathagata added QQ, find it slow.
as coming to a phone: Hello, Xiao Tang ah you Ah CRC 56k?
Xiao Tang: Yes,the doctor said, ah, last year was installed.
Tathagata : Well, you still come visit it

you will then meet

mother, today your birthday, unknowingly, the son has to go before reaching. Mom, I really grew up ... ... memories of years, my mother, your care and concern for me, my heart mixed feelings, really do not know how to repay your mother, you know, I have a kind heart unspeakable guilt. See you day and night, or still worked hard for this family, I am distressed! In addition to helping the mother to share point sorrow, I do not know can do something.? !

Mom, in your heart, as long as I am at your side, you will then meet, my smiles, will affect your mind. I laughed, and you will sincerely happy, I'm sick, you are so concerned about ... ... when I was young, may not know, now, his son grew up, learned life's funny, cause untold experienced hardships, my mother, I really understand your. You never care about what this family paid a lot, and today, the son did, my mother's hard to know, it is unknown hardships.

mother, your dedication has infected me. In my heart, my mother, my deepest love, really do not want to grow old old mother, I hope you will always blooming youth, such as an old myth, laughing at us,Space today from a friend to see this little game, look at me and my comrades to join hands mind, fighting shoulder to shoulder, bearing a total of wind and rain, were bathing in the sun. . . . . Mom, I want you to be proud of us. . . .

two like they were before. climb a tree.

Mental illness jokes (laughable to attractiveness Edition)
One patient came to see a psychiatrist.
Patient: I always thought I was a bird.
Doctor: Oh. Oh that is very serious. Since when has the.
patients: From the time I was a bird.
have a neurological hospital patients asked the doctor: If I put one of your ears cut off. what are you going?
patients who answered: That I will not hear.
doctors listened to: 嗯嗯. normal.
physician and asked: What if I then you also cut off the other ear. What would you?
patients who answered: That I will not see.
doctors begin to get tense. how could not see the blanket.?
were answered: because the glasses will fall off.
two nerve disease. courtyard to escape from the disease.
two like they were before. climb a tree.
one person from jumped off the tree.
roll ah roll.
then looked up on the above said: Hey how do you not down ------ ah ---------?< br > above the man answered him: No --- OK --- ah ------< br> I have not cooked -----------< br> (4)
neuropathy hospital with an old woman.
every day dressed in black. holding a black umbrella.
squatting neuropathy entrance of the court.
doctors wanted: to heal her. must know her from the beginning .
doctor was also wearing black clothes. holding a black umbrella. and her squatting there.
two blissful silence of squatting for a month.
old lady Opening up to talk to a doctor:
Excuse me -------< br> you --- you are mushrooms ------?< br> (5)
a mental hospital hearing that led to the hospital to inspect the situation, therefore, the President convened the meeting at which the patients, the Presidency
sermon: \Welcome. In the welcome, all patients standing on both sides of the hospital entrance, to stand neatly, and when I cough, when everyone applauded, the more enthusiastic the better; I stomp all the time to stop, not a mistake. to all all well, can tell you this evening to eat Roubao Zi, as long as there is a mess with people, all people have no buns to eat, remember? \\. to visit the warm atmosphere of the leadership of the infection, smiling, clapping with everyone entering the hospital. see leaders have walked into the hospital, president of a stomping, all the applause stopped, very neat. only the leading Clapping his hands, still smiling a forward, the President was very satisfied.
suddenly, from the welcoming crowd sprang to a patient as strong as Arnold Schwarzenegger, a big step before rushing leader, lun round the < br> gave him a big slap in the face, angrily shouted unusually - \! ! ! \
B looked at the answer: \> (7)
a mental hospital and a doctor ready to be discharged mental patients to talk about, to confirm whether the patient has fully recovered.
Doctor: You were discharged after the preparation doing?
patients: the hospital to take the stone to your windows all broken.
hear the doctor found that the patient has not fully recovered,he is looking for a better reason . \, it was decided to continue treatment. Then, after a few months later, the doctor seems to think that the patient can be released from the hospital, it was decided to talk to him again.
Doctor: You were discharged after the preparation doing?
patients: a job.
Doctor: Then what?
patients: money.
Doctor: Then what?
patients: save money.
Doctor: Then what?
patients: marry a wife.
Doctor: Then what?
Patient: the bridal chamber.
Doctor: Then what?
patient: her clothes off.
Doctor: Then what?
patient: her pants off.
Doctor: Then what?
patient: her panties off.
Doctor: Then what?
patients: the underwear out of the rubber band, to do the slingshot, to find some rocks to your hospital windows all broken.
2 Jun B Jun A mental patient rehabilitation at the same time Their doctor told them: \: \no toilet of you? \some fish ah? \> (10)
a neurological hospital, where there lived a lot of neuropathy.
day, where the president, to look at the situation of patients who recover, want a way. on these patients, said,
you all over, talking on the wall of a door, said: \surrounded them, the President felt very disappointed when he found a patient sitting in the original location still did not move, I felt that line came to him, asked: \to see the President, said one sentence, after hearing the President is enough to create misunderstandings.
that were secretly told the president said: \There is often a doctor or nurse will love the complex.
One day, a female patient Dr. Xiang Mounan come ... ...
female patients: the Blue Doctor, do you love me?
blue medical meditation for a long time (in order not to harm the patient in order to avoid disease progression)
blue doctors: what about the doctor-patient relationship because you are sick so I have to take good care of you ... ...
(for does not harm the patient, Dr Lam explained that he finally explained End)
female patients: the Blue Doctor, do you mean you do not love me Oh?
blue doctor (trying to come up without a word): ... ... ah ... ah ... ah ... ...
female patients: okay ... ... I love that Dr. Chen ... ...

winter snow

Space, I deleted the log have all been, without reservation, in addition to first, it is time to witness the opening of my space, open space thanks to recommend my friend, space although not things, or welcome friends to sit, Thank you!

tell the truth, remove it, I was not shaking the hand of Clear the Air has that dirty, I have no memory of the past would have deplored the removal, Even though I did ton output capacity of the majestic, nor Dong Cunrui fried bunker's momentum, it is also one go! MOUSE at the point of deletion, it is a complex and feeling of helplessness!

never thought that one day I will retain my own hands look empty, have been recorded bits and pieces of my life will be made with the ashes of MOUSE's been. Looking back on the road traveled: the wind, rain, a Huan, a worry, there is love,Is quasi-oh ... come play! Will not let you regret, there is pain. Thin indecent own path in life: various twists and turns in the backcountry, was shown on the landscape between the mountains and the company of wood as friends; have wine and song of life geometry; also difficult to find Night Concert 3000 words; also young and frivolous Deal or No Deal ; have contempt for the rich and powerful Shicaiaowu. As the river of time, only understand that all of the past both naive and lovely, both casual and helpless, both sentimental and sad. Chiai after the cold, cordial flat after paying. All of the true feelings are buried deep in my heart for a change of faces of a pair of 1000 to meet the world. Not help feeling angry! Not Liangleichadao! All the edges and corners are secular polished, leaving only the heart, not a trace of equivocal group.

heart of passion will not play it just quietly watching Huakaihuaxie, Yunsheng Tao off. No injuries after the spring azaleas, summer pity Yuhe, Thoughts in Autumn leaves, winter search Samuume. Quietly accepted Chunhua, moon, Xia Yu, winter snow, with the pace of the season ahead.

Dreams of all knowledge, both human sophistication article.
night to dawn to make the day, the sun will still rise


my profile ,but I know that casual does not mean in happy
real name: xxx
Gender: Male Name Family: Han
Height: 1.70 m Education: What do you think? < br>
Date of Birth: 198x month xx day
in x Constellation: Days bottles Block Blood: O
character; within a bit like the expression
Hobbies: Fishing sleep
most Internet Favorite word: go your own way for others to say
Home Address: Zhejiang

Tel: 139xxxxxxxx
Contact QQ: 21847

Next? emotional needs ?~`????? take o_?
????? Wā? not regret it?? ..
oο? `I dē? sector ┈ → ? allowed? disappear? οo;
ρs :?.??? situation? need? false? commitments?.!
-??. lost? ..? a whole? world how can ?..?< br> xxx production
2007 年 4 月 1 日

causing some of amnesia

And others chatted about his childhood I was always silent, because I always wanted to evoke a little bit of my childhood, but do not know why I always place the drip do not remember his childhood, the entire primary, secondary and even almost empty, and sometimes I would think is not part of my brain cells die, causing some of amnesia? I'm holding on, better to find a few scattered pieces,To shoot the most true, I want to write down, I'm afraid of tomorrow, I could not find the. Did not want to kindergarten, my mother took long played a small bamboo crying while being pulled into the nursery, my mother left, the poor mother, I stood there looking forward to the window; primary low-grade, joined the school team when the drum as Little drummer's beat; primary school group photo to face the camera's excited and shy; God, even the memory of secondary school is zero.

but do not respect each other

For a long time I did not write things, for various reasons, most recently a bad mood, oh ... ...
today I have to discuss a topic: the men and women together, in what ways they exist? What two people together with inappropriate? Of course you can deny, no matter how others say you will say \But I know this is the power of love, love will make people stupid ... ... Well, do not say this, back to the topic. If you think you can own, you can first give their own rate, if you are a man, you give yourself scoring 80 points, so good, now you comment on his girlfriend, also 80, if, then for , she and you in the end it is multiplication or division? Most likely multiply! So you score should be 6400! ok! Congratulations, you found a character make your career has been a qualitative leap, you are very lucky! ! Conversely, what if the division? The result is not the case, you only get 1 point! The results are terrible ah! !
If you are a girl? You to evaluate your present situation it. Or take 80 for example, you are both 80 points, your relationship is to add and subtract, if it is additive, then you will get 160 points, good friends; if subtraction, you will get 0 points! Huh? As less than men's scores oh: (how could this be? In fact, this is the difference between modern men and women, women will not choose a good boyfriend and add more points, while the men found a good girlfriend because The value has increased! vice versa appalling. Some will say: You say that it not unfair to you? Well,friends after a home there is nothing on my space, I tell you, the society is so not fair! not my male chauvinism, mainly people do not look at myself and caused to the point of today is entirely self-inflicted ... ... people seemed beside the point: P But it's ha added the following Let me give some examples:
Xiao Wen is a very normal girl, look very mediocre build character , then she should be looking for the other half of what look like? we assume a 3
possible, first, to find a man like her mediocrity; had 60 points, Xiao Wen, found a 70 men, if they get along very, very good man for her, love her, then this girl is worth 130 points! her friends envy her, that she has a good husband, the future will bless them . We then shift attention to the man's body. The man called Xiao Gang, who is now 70, he found Xiaowen, this time he felt that he and Xiao Wen also get along very harmoniously, Xiaowen told him very good, then it is worth Xiaogang's 4200! dizzy! you have to ask, so mediocre two people, just love each other, the result would go so competitive? right, this is the power of love!! the other hand, two people have been mediocre, but do not respect each other, not to cherish each other, or with other causes of discordant results is how is it? result Xiaowen -10 points! Xiaogang about 1.17 pm! big difference ah!

second case: Xiaowen found 150 men in small strong, love each other treasure the day they die, then Xiaowen scores should be 210 points! Of course, this would result in around a sister who is jealous, because scores are high! contrary (to be first out of six, write back!)

also did not disturb the mind

candlelight dinner

on both sides of the table, sat a man and a woman.




expected answer. Man raised his head, looked at the woman opposite.

24 years old, young, energetic, pretty good age.

fair skin, vibrant body, a pair of bright, eyes speak.

really good woman, ah, unfortunately.




Otherwise, the company's dinner, how come never see you with her ... ... \

woman would like to continue, may come into contact with the eyes of men, after the cold, to dispel the idea.

quiet ... ...






\too. \



\in front of her, as little naive child.

Perhaps that feeling, on and now I feel about you. Then, really strange, stubborn temper, I just listen to her. As she said, to accept the reality that they are useless, they work hard. That the end of work, with little improvement, and we got married. \

men bomb the bomb ash, went on.

\of money. of course, is kept behind her back. If she knew, yes let's. \


the memory of men indulge in it, forgetting the time, just keep about the past.

and women,and hard to maintain, also did not disturb the mind, then listened quietly.

other men noted that the time had 10 PM.





late at home to cold soup, I send you away. \


man knowing smile, turned to go.



men's figure disappeared into the night, leaving a woman, facing the candle. Trance.

men came home, opened the door, walked straight up to the bedroom, opened the lamp.

along the edge of the bed, and sat down.


crack of dawn

We all have sin, guilty of different crimes.
No feeling for words, like laughing to tears.

Kind of father I was falling in the country can not see the crime, Please excuse my ego.
so hard bear engraved behind the glory of a lonely!

close my eyes I saw that when the dream picture ... ...
sky is misty fog, The father took my hands.
gently pass, early in the morning then quiet stone road!

crack of dawn,or very little chance of a broken, dawn, fantasy, dark continued ... next time ...

well here Wan Jitian it!

Previous to Shanghai are hasty passing, not rushing and is shuttling between the two airports in a different train station. Spent the last few days in Shanghai.
in the past when passing is an indescribable feeling of oppression. I do not know to bring the pressure in both sides of tall buildings, or suffocating crowds, short people and leave the room feeling so small.

2 days before the next visit Shanghai, Nanjing Road, and then to the Bund, and then ferry across the river to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower. Go through the feeling is a busy, after all, here is the Pearl of the Orient.

this 2 days to and from Pudong and Minhang campus of Shanghai Jiaotong University,touched the hearts filled with a, between feeling the convenience brought by the suburban railway, also experiencing the pace of life of Shanghai. In the subway station, many people are hurrying off to catch another trip to the car line, but despite the long lines that some people rushed to the door directly, although the number of small but very visible. I am in a hurry the case of time will choose to speed up the walking speed and not allow themselves to run up, the situation will always make people feel a lack of order, fast-paced, but the lack of order and make people feel panic.
read, read a bit beside the point, really, and I had the same habit or do. In short, experience came to Shanghai to bring prosperity to the facilities here - walking in the National Chiao Tung University campus, and you really feel is the two big world. But the heart of ills caused by the Shanghai the same can not be avoided. What this drawback, different people have different feelings it is estimated.
Blessings, so write down do not know where to go run or play with feeling, well here Wan Jitian it!


more careful of protection.

Although women now have quietly become a strong, powerful woman, but even then there are weak people feel bad side. As the saying goes: a woman or for pain, to love! Drowning 3000, which is then poured constellation most women grabbed your heart that part of the most flexible, so you feel bad to not do the roots?

third: Scorpio woman Scorpio
mention, most people usually think of is that mysterious, cold, in fact not the case, it seems the most \Some fragile. The reason why their cravings so strong, but also from their sense of insecurity. Scorpius the specificity of love is obvious to all, once they fell in love, they will go all out. Scorpio woman love sensation, a sense of heaven and earth, as long as you love her, she definitely will concentrate on special meaning you pay her to pay all. Once betrayed, they will let you know what you will pay the price, this is Scorpio women to fully protect their feelings and take an extreme measure, think about why the Scorpio woman to be so \because they bring a sense of security too seriously, their heart is soft, need more careful, more careful of protection.
second: Taurus
Jinniu Nv is the most \Why is the most \That is because they \They will not all right on the lip service efforts, as her lover, you can see the most is that she was constantly cooking for you, laundry, some tea and bottled water greetings. Taurus is a pragmatic type, they are aware of his accusations, as your lover, they know what to do, what not to do, or even been in the \What really happened can not be easily tolerated Jin Niunv things, they may still choose not to speak out, their support to the inability so far, as Jin Niunv is such a strong backing, for family, for love, they naturally pay, It is also indeed be loved and distressed with!
first: Aries
say independence, 12 constellations which, to a few Aries women do best. The Aries woman, the independent ability to act is simply a sign of them, they are often full of passion always, always positive, they seem a kind of pride do not need someone to protect. Aries women are very strong, and their lovers will always opt to pay, in order to maintain an important position in the eyes of Valentine, who spared no effort on Valentine's faithful, so even if they endure, secretly tears will still continue, will not let Valentine's see her vulnerable side. As the Aries woman looks strong, gives a great illusion, setbacks always handled difficult than others, they are actually very fragile, but they used their own to bear. It is this smile,Open it and see it, I think you, tears, however, strong people feel distressed endless.

0-6 pieces of low intelligence is absolutely

0-6 pieces of low intelligence is absolutely, totally an idiot!
6-8 pieces of intelligence a bit weak,when the most exciting is SLK55AMG, is mentally retarded! 9-10 pieces of normal!
11-12 pieces of high IQ! Are superior intelligence.
13 Japanese incidents that can not find someone,
has less than 4,000 people around the world can too!

accompany clients to KTV night got home late

1, I am on the couch watching TV, my wife sat down in my lap wrapped in towels, customs 10,000 kinds of places,scattered between, said: \Today, no money! \

2, my wife with one hand cupping the chin, provocatively said: \Ke Guan, please put some respect, little woman I just do not performers sold themselves! \

3, I bath in bed reading, my wife emerged from the bathroom of a Ehupusi pressure in my body, the face of grim and said: \Today I Chang Changxian! \I do not see from the wife, instead gently said: \not too dirty for years to open up! \

4, my wife asked me: \: \\

5, accompany clients to KTV night got home late, just joined the family that his wife slept, and then crept to the bathroom shower. Just stripped naked, his wife suddenly appeared, sharply shouted: \sound, touch hand to live my jj: \She did not sleep is to a Bansu this?

6, a wife like all good things, including the handsome boys & girls, the greatest pleasure to accompany my wife shopping around for me is that she will be collecting handsome boys & girls, for viewing. Shopping time feet get tired, we sat before the window of Starbucks, enjoy the beautiful River line. Wife enjoy the side edge peering innocently asked me: \ah? that you would not want those who pervert it? \! \They also want to sleep, you can not waste a me?

7, once made a small fortune, returned home to his wife fling toward the envelope: \\Come on! \

8, wife are sucked into the cool breeze on the hiccups of the problems. One evening after work into the home on the name of hiccup, I am concerned to ask: \woman, and not the proceeds of small woman, had Hexibeifeng it! \Start with a pretty wife, but stopped short at the crucial moment: \to facilitate it! \

9, a Saturday, my wife normal rest, I have to work overtime. Up in the morning this guy a stalker and I am touching something, and then contented to sleep, full of tired and I have to go to the company. I greeted her was about a bedroom, his wife behind to the sentence: \Come on! tonight to! \

10, when my wife and I love the University, when girls can enter the male dormitory, boys are not allowed into the women's dormitory. A late autumn night, I provoke angry wife, leaving his wife back to my dormitory. There were no cell phones, my wife live in the third floor, I apologized to her in the downstairs propaganda. Cried for a long time has not seen results, but more and more people crowd. Seeing lights, and his wife for her roommate from her window, threw down quilt (quilt I sent, I know), I saw a bad situation, quickly shouted: \know nothing happened, it brings the full floor laughing. Heroes do not eat the immediate loss, I rushed back to quarters, covered her quilt was owned by Hong Qiu was one night. I did not wake up the next morning, my wife stood in front of a pull out from the quilt to my flat a meal: \ah ah ~~~~~~ Do you think I want to!

11, particularly cold winter one year, a weekend, my wife into playing in the park. See many people in the lake ice skating, so I invited my wife and I go with slip, and the wife can not. To prove the solid ice, I went to the ice before setting an example to play a round, see my wife mind straight itch, finally eager to think. I am from the center of the lake to the shore to pick her up, off-shore there is a meter, I have no proof to even more dangerous, I also caught leaps, the results just listen to \Fortunately shore shallow water only Yandao my waist, his wife scream scared the verge of tears. I went to great lengths to get out from the mud, nothing in ensuring that my entire people, the wife was seriously asked me: \okay, small things are a polar bear! \

12, one afternoon, I was working, suddenly my wife received a phone looks very anxious: \by surprise, threw down the work went to the scene at hand. Wife is, and a more than 40-year-old semi-old woman struggling, semi-old woman's \dollars, said the meal nicely, the old woman was very pleased I am exalted, Yuehelehe drove off. I asked his wife: \How much compensation to the people, afraid of being cheated, and had woven you called! \~~~~~~ This is also called a butt? You're wrong when lustful can change to change?

13, his wife has been particularly interested in my little nipples, often at night they sleep Nianzhe. One time, my wife asked me: \Wife giggle at me Oh, I casually said: \to decorative! \\how a dotted line? nice? \

Entertainment Entertainment

add the following configuration command

SDM (Security Device Manager) is provided by the new Cisco router graphical management tool. WEB 界面 use the tool, Java technology and interactive configuration wizard enables users without having to know command-line interface (CLI) IOS router can easily complete the state monitoring, security auditing and configuration features - even QoS,11 floor. You buckle it on hand, Easy VPN Server, IPS, DHCP Server, Dynamic routing protocols such as that mid-level technical personnel are headache SDM configuration tasks can also be used easily and quickly completed, the configuration logic

management to support the SDM, the router must be the following configuration:
ip http server / / to allow web interface to
ip https server
ip http authentication local
ip http timeout-policy idle 600 life 86400 request 10000 / / web interface to modify the timeout parameter
user mize privilege 15 secret 0 netbuddy.org / / must be a secret, can not use password keyword
line vty 0 4
login local
transport input telnet ssh / / Allow telnet and ssh

SDM program can be installed on both the PC, can also be installed on the router. Installed on the PC, the router can save it to manage memory and can support the SDM management of other routers, but because IE default page to access the machine resources against the need to modify the IE security settings. When installing the router basic installation requires about 4M Flash space, component Cisco SDM Express (need 1.5M Flash) only for the initialization of the router configuration, no installation.

SDM download address is: http://www.cisco.com/pcgi-bin/tablebuild.pl/sdm (requires CCO account), download and extract the SDM- V21.zip, run the Setup program can be installed SDM. Before installing SDM require the installation of JRE 1.4.2_05, if not installed, can go to the Sun Web site to download and install.

the SDM installed on router, the router in IE, type http:// IP address, you can start using the SDM had. Here are a few Legend:

SDM application screen 1: aesthetic management interface, a glance out real-time CPU, memory utilization and port status, VPN, Firewall, Log and other information.

Cisco Security Device Manager: SDM

SDM (Security Device Manager) is provided by the new Cisco router graphical management tool. SDM in the new CCNP courses ISCW1.0 in the third highlight, the tool use WEB interface, Java technology and interactive configuration wizard enables users need to understand the command line interface (CLI) can easily complete the IOS router status monitoring, security audits and functional features include: QoS, Easy VPN Server, IPS, DHCP Server, Dynamic routing protocols can also use the SDM configuration tasks easily and quickly completed. SDM can simplify the network administrator to use the workload and the probability of errors. Use SDM to manage the user to use encryption between the router and the SSH v2 protocol HTTP connection, safe and reliable. Most of the current low-end Cisco routers, including 8xx, 17xx, 18xx, 26xx (XM), 28xx, 36xx, 37xx, 38xx, 72xx, 73xx and other models have been able to support SDM.

SDM device default Http (s) management of IP is; so if the default configuration, then make sure the landing PC- address network segment. SDM of the default user name is cisco, password is cisco.

SDM program can be installed on both the PC, can also be installed on the router. Installed on the PC, to save the router's memory and can it support the SDM to manage the management of other routers, but this mode can not perform the operation to restore the default, also prohibited because IE default page to access the machine resources, need to modify the security settings of IE (Open the IE browser (with IE7.0 example) the Tools menu, select \enable this feature; another in the \initialization in the router configuration required to install.

SDM download address is: http://www.cisco.com/pcgi-bin/tablebuild .pl / sdm (requires CCO account), download and extract the SDM-V21.zip, run the Setup program can be installed SDM. Before installing SDM require the installation of JRE 1.5, if not already installed, go to Sun's website () to download installation.

the SDM installed on router,
routers must be configured to support the following SDM management tools:

ip http server / / allow http login < br>
ip https server / / allow https login

ip http authentication local / / specify the local certification

ip http timeout-policy idle idle-number life life-number request request- number / / web interface to modify the timeout parameter

user username privilege 15 secret 0 secret / / must be a secret, not to use password keyword

If you need telnet or ssh remote login device, add the following configuration command:
line vty 0 X (x varies with the platform)

login local

transport input telnet ssh / / Allow telnet and ssh < br>

If the above steps to configure the correct, complete, and then in IE, type http:// IP address of the router, you can begin using SDM. and if the first time SDM is prompted to modify the default login user Name cisco, and the default password cisco.

that age is not a problem

Transfer / 286568081 ,to What

not obsessed brother, I `m just legend;

not spoof sister, sister let you vomiting blood;

do not care sister, sister is only two lines of tears;

Do not underestimate the younger brother, but brother insecticide;

do not envy Dad, Dad just myths;

Do not ignore mother, mother a flower that year!

Stone tells us that we really love the last all gone, everything mashup eventually reunited!

others have their background, but I only have a back of ~>_<~

tree shameless, certain death; were shameless, invincible!

Road see injustice life roar, roar finished and went!

diamond is forever, a bankruptcy!

What is happiness? Happiness is a cat fish, dog meat, Altman played little monster! Although the main

and flowers, I'll loosely earth!

alone is a person's carnival, carnival is a group of people alone!

I left the Green Dragon, White Tiger from right shoulder tattooed Mickey Mouse!

Although I was not handsome look, but my childhood was also boast the left nostril grown very idol!

then cattle Chopin, but also the sadness I could not bomb!

thinking of how far, how far you go away!

your hand, Tuoqu feed the dog!

saw Eagles, that age is not a problem;

watched Brokeback Mountain, that gender is not a problem;

saw King Kong, that the species is not a problem;

remembered Ghost, truly understand the life and death ... the original is not a problem! (^ O ^)

stop conniving and supporting \

EST on February 18, the United States ignored China's repeated solemn representations,because you may only man in this life, insisted that the U.S. president met with Obama in the White House Map Room **.
Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Jiang Yu has issued a statement that the U.S. side seriously violated the basic norms governing international relations, contrary to the three Sino-US joint communiques and the \is part of China, does not support \China expresses strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition. China demands the U.S. take China's position and immediately take effective measures to eliminate adverse impact, stop conniving and supporting \

do not expect them to have any studies on.

Ten men on social occasions the details of the image of the decision in this blend of social technology and information age, this essential social sectors are not able to link to cancel, now is not the eighteenth century social occasions so-called trading Ballroom , appear to be the sound of waltz music everything possible to complete the plan. Age diversity, cultural wealth, the spirit of ..... are all show the profound social scene visualization and more subtle.

expected successful men and men are inevitably successful in social occasion to express themselves, and yet there is a lot of men do not seem to understand the rules and the radius of a social occasion, almost in a large crowd repeatedly exposed under their own \body.

a \the soul. Man's back as the head and between the lifting arm when the show will be \But some men do not care about that happens, visible grease on the collar, cuffs on the jump, however, on the sludge. This \

2, white socks and black shoes with white socks

now become the majority of men's patent, do not control how high to wear suits, do not control how bright shoes, surprisingly, is definitely a pair of white socks. Such men and women are ultra-popular no difference between boys and happy, totally lacking in foundation and no training performance. As everyone knows, is to wear shoes with white socks feature is the movement and expressions for travelers. Black leather shoes with black socks or should be blue and gray socks, black shoes, coupled with perhaps like the white dress socks for men do not know the concept of aesthetics in general. So everywhere the eye can see deep-fried white socks which is shallow around to see the man, do not expect them to have any studies on.

III shirt pocket pen

other men are now so small, but occasionally still see this nondescript man. Wen said he was showing off a little show, do not write the words; said he often signed documents, if not checked in a few large cooperative agreements; that he, like Kung, really have to wear the very particular about breaking gown certainly does not belong to them. The only pen that the dog can use when he is in the wine on the table, ask for business cards which are to him when he took off his coat pocket and pen authentic manner, and then on the stroke of the pen in the card department on its own name, I heard the name of the style or design of the street to spend 50 yuan.

4, cell phones ringing constantly

this man the best spots to sit away from him, as if this world on his cell phone is important stuff. Regardless of whether other people talk,Restricting., or meditation, his cell phone suddenly Baoxiang always up, then that he began to answer the phone the voice of those words as if to tell people how important he is a character, every moment there were people \harassing \Not come up with something indicative of the language to answer the other, is a kind of impatient attitude, as if the moment is his most important moment. This man should always dike he is purely a kind of \

5, to please women over

Some men do not know what is \No matter how great the scenes, pulling the woman frequently gave around skirts, Che Che trousers with one LI Lian-ying Zuo Pai, looks like people want to eat something stomach just spit it out. The presence of people confused that this man took out a tigress at home again, fear can not get something presentable and acceptable only get half a day is only just understanding the opposite sex soon.

6, when drinking wine on the table toasted

often \to that extent. But there is one kind of men like himself into the hotel becomes a national standard level of drinks upon members, regardless of whether the issues people are talking about a complete, regardless of whether the interest of others, had created, all is to hold up their hands in the glass and then mouth emitting a lot of \

seven, frequent toilet

the right time or the time to go, or go to the toilet. But some men did not a few hours numerous times to the bathroom, start you must have thought his prostate or kidney function has gone wrong. But it is not, they are by this reason, the table full of people aside, if you're curious to see if they did go to the bathroom in the process of what is really an eye-opener. They are not hiding in the bathroom telephone, bar and the waitress is flirting, the kind of obscene and offensive gestures to look deep within yourself all exposed.

8, returns to the wife called the situation

for whatever reason, the social scene, there is always such a man bent on his brilliant display in front of people, open the phone if nothing had happened and handed his wife called to say what such things are very busy today so could not go back to some of nonsense. Like how to tell people that he is a model husband, family laws to comply with family rules. This man is put on for the majority of phase, satiated after the first lady would not stop until that is holding them, the typical male image color.

9, vulgar language on the service

Some men are always more people in public under the lobby of the performance of their school of dignity, as if he spent the money on the service can be free to censure cry, as if too much of their language by showing the identity and capacity to dominate the world. Such men whether or not they succeed, they leave \Such men do not expect them how great the cause, but only \

10, rushing into the car goodbye

are now wealthy men around us are not all gentlemen, they are away from the \to death do not know which factors have a gentleman. Many men in the reception end of the leave time, often ahead of others to enter the car, especially driving the car coming, it is \Then in the car kept waving to you, come up with a \

16. There is nothing more than onlookers had to improve the performance of your bowling. So

Change the life of 32 quotes to
1, the majority of people want to transform this world, but few people want to transform themselves.

2, active in every opportunity in sight all the hardship, and negative at every opportunity people have to see some kind of hardship.

3, Mo excuses for failure, only to find reasons for success. (Not for the failure to find reasons, want to find a successful way)

4, great man is great, because he and others coexistence of adversity, people lost faith, he was determined to achieve their goals.

5, There is no desperate situation, only on the situation of man in despair.

6, when the pain you feel sad, it is best to learn what is what. Learning will make you forever invincible.

7, the world's the most difficult thing in the least effort to stall for time.

8, who is able, is believed it could be.

9, a belief in the power of those who have developed, is only interested in more than 99.

10, each of strenuous efforts in that there is always double the reward.

11, Albert's establishment in life, not in a position to approach, is in the can do.

12, any restriction of his heart from the beginning.

13, those who sow in tears will certainly gain a smile.

14, the desire to enhance the enthusiasm,the Erhai Meng Cui around there, perseverance to bald mountain.

15, a look at things from other people's ideas, to understand the spiritual activities of others who never have to worry for their future.

16, the largest bankruptcy of a person is desperate, the biggest asset is hope.

17, do not wait for opportunities, but to create opportunities.

18, if the greeting just say hello and leave, then with the sound of monkey calls are any different? In fact, in just the right greeting must clearly show your sentence in his care.

19, last night more than a few minutes of preparation, fewer hours of trouble today.

20, do the right thing than to do the important things.

21, is the perfect personality, the establishment of wealth is the last.

22, no one not through contempt, endure and struggle can conquer destiny.

23, action is good medicine cure fear, and hesitation, delay will continue to nourish the fear.

24, not born of confidence, and only continue to nurture confidence.

25, only one way to not choose to give up the way it is; only one way can not refuse to grow up the way it is.

26, the most pathetic is that human nature: we always dream of the horizon of a wonderful rose garden, not to enjoy today in our window open Roses.

27, conquer fear, build self-confidence of the fastest and most accurate way is to do what you fear, until you experience success.

28, failures? No, just get even closer to a successful move; success is what? Is traversed all the way leading to failure and leaves one way, it is a successful way.

29, so we will be concerned in advance, for to think and plan in advance of it!

30, and then a long way, also go through the step by step, and then a short way, not the starting of the feet can not reach.

31, no qualitative change in performance comes from the accumulation of quantitative changes.

32, success is not only the future, but decided to do from the moment, continued accumulation.

won the crowd favorite of 28 principles

2007-03-15 00:08:34

1. appearance is not objectionable, if the look is not good, let his talented; if not talent, it would always smile.

2. temperament is the key. If fashion is not adopted, rather simple.

3. and shake hands, it can more than hold for a while. Truth is the treasure.

4. do not have anything to use \

5. Do not borrow money from friends.

6. Do not \

7. and the people to fight \

8. insist that others in the back of good things, good things do not worry about the ears of transmission than clients.

9. somebody before you say bad things about someone, you just smile.

10. to start his own car, do not specifically a bicycle stopped to greet the staff. People will think you're showing off.

11. colleagues fall ill, to visit him. Naturally, sitting on his bed at home when they wash their hands carefully.

12. Do not people know the whole thing of the past.

13. respect for people who do not like you.

14. on the issue not the person; or something relentless, and people should love; or life first, work second.

15. self-criticism can always make people believe that self-praise is not.

16. There is nothing more than onlookers had to improve the performance of your bowling. So, usually do not begrudge your cheers.

17. Do not put other people's good, granted. To know gratitude.

18. banyan tree on the \Learn to listen.

19. respect for the janitor's room in the master and engage in health aunt.

20. remember the words commonly used when \

21. for each stage to sing the people applaud.

22. sometimes rhetorical: your ring really expensive! Sometimes, even if the question is not asked, such as: How old are you?

23. it will lose more people and more places than we speak.

24. to not export the \br>
25. Do not expect everyone like you, it is impossible for most people like is a successful performance.

26. Of course, they have to like me.

27. If you perform or lecture at the time, if only one person should carefully listen to it and have to play even if no one applauded, because this is your path to success, is the cradle of your success, you do not see the person success, but to your success.

28. If you see a post is also worth a visit, then you must respond, because your reply will give people the courage to move forward, give people a great incentive. Will also make people appreciate you.

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I also have a feeling

Be strong!Is there a window you do not despair ,A dollar

lets take a look at the colorful world
had been crying like a sweet dream

was laughing
some lose some old < br> to the end is not the same as
there a love you do not hurt

allow accumulation of these years the number of

your intimate what sober what pain can not

friends can not look back Do not cry
I am still the destination of your mind to believe its own way

the mortal world
have Devoted to chase too many blank
your hard
I also have a feeling
I have been in your innermost heart you're not alone I'll

sea of a few truly rare
this situation
please do not do not care!

that was all.

6 1980 Lunar New Year early in August, the Gregorian calendar on September 14, I was born into this does not look good in the present world. Today is September 16, the Chinese early in August 6, my 27th birthday, calculate, time flies really fast in fact, sometimes are not possibly imagine how this 20 years is disappearing fingertips.

fact, when the first two days on the 14th after his wife had given me a birthday again, also bought a birthday cake, leaving aside for the taste of birthday cake was sweet and I do not like it, but that day I was half way to work time for more than an hour to eat the cake and blew out a candle, and I did not find birthday that day feeling, perhaps because parents remember from childhood that even my birthday is in Chinese, two decades has become a habit the.

Today's birthday passes very quiet, or rather unfortunate. 1:00 I did more work at home cooking dinner complete wash bed, used to stay up late after work, meaning no down 1:00 difficulties, such as sleeping around is also not far from three o'clock. 7 am to get up further into the shop and more overtime, time off work nearly 12 points because of the lack of sleep, felt a splitting headache. His wife because of cervical problems recently has been pulling the hospital to do physical therapy, neck and arms are is not, I would have been cooking these days, but today I saw like this, and she hands cooked for me, wait until after dinner She began feeling pain in his arm, I gave him beat get pinched. In fact, I do not where to go than he comfortable.

wife because tomorrow morning to see early-morning study needs to school early, Now the day has not been long since the morning from home too dark too early, there is no car to go, so I sleep in the afternoon when she went to school . Afternoon when his father received a phone call from his brother's wedding was originally set down in more than a month later, in rural and remote towns, too many rules, bride price is high enough to scare two months ago because I married parents have to pay at home with their savings, including his brother's naked,Recent collection of living room decoration render, it was a year younger than I am now married brother was originally intended to spend the time to the town of credit loans, but today suddenly received news that because of some changes, and credit unions to stop all the personal loan business, and this look at some of his father suddenly dumbfounded, his brother married about 60,000 of the cost to the family how to change out of a sudden all of a sudden so much money.

brother, introverted, did not a few friends, because I buy a house two years of marriage, had married his friend and his mouth was that he rejected all borrow money, borrow money now to whom to go, Choude sleep parents these days to those who request it can request, but the people around know that there is a majority, to spend years in college students have too much, and few have spare cash, and probably only raise 20 000 ... ...

I buy a house decoration wedding, before and after the family from father took 50,000 yuan, of which 10 000 is the father left to buy air-conditioning, not being fixed in addition to monthly wages also have to repay my nearly 7 million bank loan, also saves every hand. I said to my father which I million back home, look no longer think of ways to borrow a little. But I know I'm in basically no hope of, and my relationship a little close, and are all married last year, largely owe loans are considered good, the other did not get married a few also buy a house in planning matters relating to marriage, who can borrow money to me. I no money exchanges Moreover, prevalence of recent fund shares are in the money to make money, open hand to borrow money and the money grab, like others, even if I have only run into a wall opening.

mother later took the phone, I comforted her two, but talking, my father did not speak, could not fall tears fell down.

parents have worked hard over half my life, raise their two sons actually become their biggest burden, really a sneer.

mother heard me sound wrong, but he kept that I hung up the phone to sleep at night they still work, I will only hung up the phone. Sent a SMS to his father, that so do not worry too much, there are nearly two months to see when there is no turning point. Father only two words back; good. In fact, he can say?

hung up the phone, but how also could not sleep.

Today is Lunar New Year early in August 2007, 6 in the evening, and his wife is not around, so bad news came home, after midnight I would also like to work 12. Can only smile at their whispered a happy birthday, that was all.

comfortable with frustration. Proud to know that there must be frustrated after

I like these two words, life, which inevitably have a lot of pride and frustration, inevitably there will be a lot of material desires and passions. Proud when I can easily to the highest circles in the sky, people are not mind my eyes, smug ~; frustrated very easily when I am on the ground will be to the bottom, the people are out of my life, pessimistic depression ~. Does not know that this is the life of the big ring, so-called \departure. It lightly to face proud, comfortable with frustration. Proud to know that there must be frustrated after, there must be proud of ......
frustrated after this commodity in today's economic times, materialistic, we seek more wealth, more fame, more much praise and love ...... to get more wealth, unscrupulous, immoral; to get more fame, chase the right to fame and wealth, leaving their families abandoned children; in pursuit of more praise and admiration, false false face, play fast and loose. Increasing pressure on large, emotions are also increasingly on impulsiveness. So we lost ourselves. Indifference does not mean giving up, does not mean not to pursue, but the pursuit of a degree. Quiet does not mean static, does not mean to stop the pursuit, but more sensible to pursue. Life should be ideal, the pursuit, but should pursue a degree. The so-called \Indifferent to Mingzhi,too strong desire, only indifferent, we can clear the direction of your life, be able to make more sense to properly take each step in life; only quiet, we can insight into their minds, be able to see more, go further.

light a few lights from the top

Sand roll, this is a boundless stretch of desert known as the sea of death, full of stagnant, and even the wind seems not like drifting away from its over. \A small peak into the camel Yo People's lifeless images. This is a very cute little camel long, pure white,when the occupation of a large screen, no trace of variegated, a pair of sleek, golden Camel Bells hung on its neck, and sometimes sent waves of a clear crisp tone. This small camel aimlessly to see that look, everything around seems curious, even the floor of yellow sand which, in its eyes seemed to be the same as what cute toys. It is sometimes looked down carefully smell, and sometimes dig a small pit with the front foot and play the exhilaration. Suddenly we hear \\. Netherworld it? Dark eyes, see nothing, I subconsciously feel a bit hand under the body material, slippery, and feel very comfortable, \In the dark, I groped to find a switch, \Finally light, although some glare, but also to adapt quickly, and I looked around the surroundings: This is a small but luxurious bedrooms decorated, thick curtains to block the outside floor all the light body is under the sheets European-style bed covered with silk sheets, bed floor, there are complex patterns of Persian carpets block. This netherworld hotel management now has? I reflected that, evidently, or five-star, I said, Why, good man rewarded, my dead are living five-star hotel Underworld.

However, just a dream. . . It has always been shrouded in a white camel lingering in my mind, it will die? I have a dream in recollection of the time, came a gentle knock on the door: \! I look hears out how she also went with me down?

before I speak, the door opened, Jiang Dandan suddenly jumped in. \! \\

Jiang Dandan sounds of something dragging about laughed out of my hand touched the forehead, and then pretend seriousness of the hands and back and back and said, : \touch the forehead? You'd better find a table to let me axillary probe detection. you quickly tell me how this is going on. that Xiao Pihai it? do not let me see her, or I have to report the arrows of the enemy, I did not kill her surname winter! \Who killed it, \things, on the road again and you say, anyway, was a long time. \so organized and disciplined students can not put a good group of pigeons, I Shangcuan down from the bed and squat down to put on shoes. \opened the curtains, natural light imagination is not fired into the house, the contrary, a French window is still dark outside, can not see anything.



definitely not a good thing, I had a feeling that today several times, her into my music, not the normal thing to happen. \; \. . The so-called window is a completely closed space, light a few lights from the top, middle, half tree, precisely, is a tree, could see the exposed roots and some tentacles in the ground, while the upper part seems through the space at the top to continue upward. The most exaggerated is actually placed around the roots of three different sizes of coffins!

think we spent the New Year together

Whenever I hear the sweet honey, he will remember the day together with Ta.

think we spent the New Year together, think of day to send my frame Ta ...

think we snuggle on the sofa watching \
remember one autumn afternoon, we sat in a chair under the window watching Gone with the Wind or Shugo Chara, the sun warm our hearts ...

think of us to see that the Department of sweet film - The Classic, the plot inside remembers, Huang Ru yesterday ...

think we agreed with the Greek Aegean Sea, this life must go first, I heard it couple of the Holy Land.

and Ta with the time, although Chen miscellaneous weird, but the feeling is sweet as cake,I travel a good habit, as always prevailed;

and Ta spend time together, will always save the best of my memory that a corner.

content from: SOSO \

are wondering

Chinese New Year on duty failed to return home, toothache the powerful, bad mood, happy to get Several Newly joke. Happy about Na!
1. hunter hunting, watching the trees are two birds, raised a gun to lay one, found to be not only the hair, are wondering, the other bird came and cursed the hunter: Damn, I just coax strip her clothes, you put her down to play. . .

2. farmer kill the rooster was deported not, and then grabbed the hen to the rooster said: do not let you down when unmarried man! Rooster: You thought I was foolish his mother, and I go into a widow she was. . .

3. restaurant flies fly on the toilet,and continue to say, said: fishy Zhuxiu you chase all day, I was always popular to drink hot sauce over it!
toilet flies: Road of different non-phase plan, eat in good dim light ass beauty you've seen a few? ? ?

4. Beijing-Kowloon Railway, farmers along the roadside to watch the car after a female passenger for sanitary napkins out of the window, the face of a farmer's face stickers, the peasants won said: train is fast, floating piece of paper can beat blood from the nose! ! !

5. you heard it? Review of Past 500 in exchange for this life only rub shoulders off, the 1000 Review of this life was destined a laugh, as we like friends, last generation did not do other light fucking turning back. . .

6. pigs looking for a man of God asked reincarnation. Emperor and asked: farming? A bitter. Said: work? A tired. Said: monkey,? A too hard. God asked the States and Canada? A: eat drink can visit a prostitute! Royal shocked: Dog Day also want to state cadres!

I finished ...

I admit that I was indeed a vulnerable person .. ,remember his face
nightmare more real every day .. ..
linger in the mind is always unexpected moments recently vertigo ..
fluttering ..
this feeling ... nice ...

recently started to not believe all the words ..
mouth in addition to eating the things I think ..
Nothing can be believed ..
when I do not believe that all the time ...
I finished ...

strange cycle once again come ...
my voice because of over-excited and become more and more hoarse ..
you always do not know ... do not know ...

have been inexplicable premonition
live fast die young leave a beautiful corpse ...
may be another of my fate ...

I like the tragic feeling ...

do not want to learn ..
do not want to go out ..
do not want to see anyone ...
hypocritical clown ..
was breathing become so redundant ..
nervous nervous
only with guilt and frustration to my bored days ..

has not distinguish sad and happy
I lost my tears ..

I was a running rabbit
I was the shadow of the wall is covered with dust
my alarm
I was abandoned in a corner of the phone line
my breath exudes rot tablets children
I .....
me in the end who ...

ah rose petal floating like a small floating ...
widow's tears ..

A good snow came the

Snow A good walking distance of the
Oh sang touching songs,or... For himself as, long hair fluttering
A good snow came the
Oh gentle snow lotus in full bloom of her shiny red cheek
Oh ~ Yeah ~
through which the Brahmaputra
out that the Himalayan
let the hearts of the song floating in the blue sky
oh ah ah cable to make the hearts of cable
The songs drift in the blue sky

oh ah ah cable cable
let the hearts of the song floating in the blue sky [End

can recall all the city bus!

How horrible! Without saying that Yu! See for yourself all know!
can see the National City 8663214544 621 panorama of the village!
can recall all the city bus!
can check the train!
can see your town,boys often like to accompany her in the rain, a bar!
can see your county a supermarket!
can see the country in public places in each county!
reproduced do not forget to say hello!
support bobo! Support will give you something to make things right for you to see!

sorrow and grief are memorable events. but forgotten more sober.

Watch a fireworks display, at last, was the first Yang-acid head neck pain, so we decided to go home to rest,

for warm embrace,it can go beyond, to see their age gracefully, gradually enough strength and energy. So we

decided not to love each other.

do not think. even a fleeting recall. any person, loss of another person,

will live always. sadness, sorrow and grief are memorable events. but forgotten more sober.

not what you think. real feelings are never tough.

torque enough to result in automatic car acceleration lag

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1, the following vehicle exhaust in the 2500CC;
2, acceleration inadequate;
3,Back to the city without the sky, because of low engine power, torque enough to result in automatic car acceleration lag, shift shock;
4, Engine not working, resulting in excessive emissions and power down;
5, fuel consumption, power delay, weak.
try "force Shuang SURPASS" modified high-pressure sports car ignition, may make you feel fantastic. If you are the owner of a pursuit of driving pleasure not to be missed more on, we invite you to remember to try and hope you will become our "power Shuang SURPASS" high-voltage ignition sports car users.

famous professional manufacturer of auto ignition quality certification, it is worth your trust.
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combustion heat value of fuel consumption increased 130%
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unique shielding protection
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random points were friends

! !Qq see other people teach you the password! ! !
,the purpose is probably soon fell in love
random points were friends, in the QQ dialog box, enter \password. Amazing! ! Haha, this is the latest loophole Tencent

very funny

,night instead of closing your door

very funny, very strange. Your own way. The results of each play is different.

good enjoyable ah. Guwahati ha ha ha ha !!!!!




preferred to abandon the sadness!

Do you love a person is wrong?
; I can in the virtual online world, encounter people who love my life.

Since then she's like Zheng Kexin me drunk, I love it rough so real!

What a hope that she can give me some love,
How I hope she will be too happy!

wish I can give her a little bit touched!
But God confused feelings tease,

I can not get her to love her.

how what I had? How the?

Although the love a person bitter, but I also want a little love.

me how it? Cry?

love to love her even as charity!

pain even after the last cry happy!

I do not want to love her, but it is more miss her.

Is love a person really guilty of it?

ah `` God is still more or less you give me comfort now!

even the embrace of mercy, forget it, forget it.

deeper depression in the more unable to extricate themselves, preferred to abandon the sadness!

I have been happy!

each have a relationship that will not easily give up

In the life or long or short for Love, love as always because it causes can not go all the way, is ignorant when they cherish their young, or because their swirling storms of life? In the tens of thousands of people, you and she met and how wonderful, please cherish this hard-won's fate, but spend the love is often the weakest link. Had two people love each other, with perhaps just a feeling at the time, seems to be no consideration for the other too much, remember what initially attract each other? But over time, gradually familiar with each other will gradually revealed their differences, personality, hobbies, temperament, it will slowly find each other is not really as perfect as imagined, and slowly there will be quarrels, the crisis also exposed to each other how to do? In fact, two previous complete strangers come together, it takes time to go running, slowly adapt to each other, but also the two people able to comprehend the true meaning of love, to work together to co-operate well the feelings of love are not only drawing near sweet, but also the reality of daily necessities, two people had not been home together, not as simple as a fairy tale, but also to face the pressure of life, there is no material basis, and said what ever and ever? Also as a long time, inevitably less fresh, more plain, is tired or betrayal, take a good run their own feelings, resist the temptation and loneliness, less complaining, more encouragement and support, if the end result of all, can not come to conclusion, with a smile blessing. If love is a happy, sad, if true love is happiness, a joy, the heart is tired to enjoy true love if it is a experience, heartbreak is beautiful ^ ... ... thank each other for their own enjoyment, to their memories left behind, each have a relationship that will not easily give up, the number of youth should be to squander, to Shuangbin gray if only when they do not regret that a young love, love the journey may be too many twists and turns, Too many unpredictable storms, often the other side Shenbuyouyi. Love is not the whole life Moreover, everyone on this earth is to experience suffering, not to enjoy, unless you transcend life and death to the realm of Nirvana. However, we clearly know that just a man, we should stand tall, to accept your difficulties and hardships. Perhaps you have tired of the day, perhaps when you have injuries, but the difficulties will only laugh at the tears and weakness, so that they fear is you invincible in the firm. Oath heavy, if say the export, is the sea in rivers and lakes, or Harmonious Marriage? Ability, some brave, carry their own responsibility, your hand, and I have cried, and death deed wide, and the child into that.

Went to see the end ... I heard this show ...

Went to see the end ... I heard this show ...
models show the quality has improved ... at last hurried Liuzhaokoushui keep coming visited some really good ... a pity ... model is at some less obvious ... the spirit of leaving no shot to come back two days ago my colleagues and most of the good ... ... near the scan only a distance, the skin is probably the nightlife too bad ... because ... it seems the quality of the Guangzhou Auto Show to catch Beijing Shanghai ah ... there is a great way to go

in fact

Objectives: Dunhuang18:30, Beijing Railway Station.

the midst of sadness, ah, more harmonious in block capital block the road takes 68 minutes, finally arrived at the station, see the \That warp feeling, who did not die once estimates are not out of imagination. In fact, the most important heart feeling lucky, or did not affect my students to keep in mind when the large image, and not because of being late to a class of collective shame. Otherwise I can only once in the body after death, then death in the heart ashamed N times. On the train, I find myself on the sleeper a comfortable position, and the students talk of today was going to happen when these strange things, leader appeared.

\No way, in front of several pairs of curious eyes, I Shuaixia the sentence \The train slowly started running, I will officially Dunhuang tour began. But the heart has to travel a little excitement is gone, what happened that day, made me Yunshanwuzhao, in fact, wanted to calm down and think about their own events, but the leader mm did not give me this opportunity, and I do not know why it seems to find a young girl on a freshman to be our leader.

through two carriages of all kinds of people, the arrival of the dining car, the first rush into my eye, actually it was Jiang Dandan. When the car just now I found a different level Woliang votes, I sleeper, she is soft, so when the train separated.


\I laugh Road. Said, sat down opposite the Jiang Dandan high back sofa.



Dan Jiang Dandan continue to use her style in an instant law gave me a glance, said: \the sentence: \

on the menu when I looked down, feeling icy cold hit, with a closed mind while pondering how this will be inside the wind chilly side looked up and across the seat has been silent for A man sat down, a few hours ago to kill me, one has an estimate of my life never forget the face of a child's face!

had a few hours ago I can not rest in peace in that moment, do not know fantasy has in mind how many times, if I could live to see this face, I will use what kind of tragic her way to torment torn to Ruchao, but when she sat opposite and true, when what I feel are not angry, or that she has a very strong gas field, pressure I could not even angry no clout. Some freezing air, Jiang Dandan field seems to have found a little cold, like nothing happened like, I began to introduce me to the opposite side of the murderer.


\precious life has been above the.

\Approach seems to be some disdain, that makes me even more of the furious: \hear me out, Puchi out a laugh: \imperceptible smile, which is a 15.6-year-old girl's face, is actually very delicate and pretty, good skin, smooth seems to have been a PS of dermabrasion treatment, all pony behind the two cephalic Masson, the haircut I think that is basically the shape of former sixth grade! When the most exaggerated, these girls face was actually a graceful figure under was wrapped in blue cheongsam in decent cut.

see I did not speak, Jiang Dandan: \music on, it seems to hurt this woman I was happy ah.

\Alice looked Jiang Dandan.

Blue Grandma no expression, looked at me, then slowly turned to look out the window, said: \

gently kiss you about.

━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ● ● ━ ━ ;
● ● ●
[m] ● ●

security certificate

1, buy a big house for you, for our baby to remain a baby room.
2, allows you to lie on my lap quietly reading, and then rubbing your hair.
3, when you say you're tired and do not want to cook, hold your bed quilt cover, and then personally give you my best at instant noodles!
4, when you do not eat when you eat ice cream is then impossible to feed you eat.
5, take you to trip the Maldives, feelings still time and space.
6, and then you run to Africa, make you feel very white.
7, stole my toothbrush and a change in you.
8, each special day to be in your heart to leave a special memory.
9, when in the bath to help you Cuobei, after bath to help you rubbed his feet.
10, when you tired to help you rubbed his shoulder.

11, there is no reason to kiss you.
12, you write what I must do first reader, and no matter what you write is to encourage you.
13, every autumn and you have to go mountain climbing.
14, always hold you, carrying you, even under the large crowd.
15, every day you wake up look at the way asleep, gently kiss you about.
16, always make the smile you want to cry.
17, to accompany you shopping, and cooking with you.
18, when walking in the street will not let you leave their 1-meter, never let you go by the road side.
19, was crossing the road should take you by the hand.
20, a special time in your side when you do the brown sugar poached me see you tear Cengdao my chest.

21, in life to you, you're wrong is my fault, I should certainly apologize after a fight, but have to adhere to the principles of right and wrong side.
22, to hear you call me a fool and all you want to call my name.
23, deliberately wake you up at night, listening to the voice of your lazy.
24, when you help your side to help you.
25, help is not gonna hurt you when your hair.
26, to concentrate on reading when you do not disturb you.
27, and you rush to eat, the most nutritious food is best left to you.
28, listen to your telephone call from the beach, listening to waves when you step on the calls.
29, you buy your food when Shunbian Mai flowers to you.
30, you are sick, keep at your side, you sese be angle, touch your forehead, you Embracing.

31, wallet, always have your picture or family portrait.
32, and raising children grow up with you.
33, at home after work to see if the lights will definitely open the door himself, not wake you.
34, middle of the night deliberately kicked your quilt you drilled into my blanket.
35, listen to you do not smoke, drink less, eat more fruits, eat regularly.
37, thunder, when you say \Also know more then you think you are more like me.
38, daily milk drink with you.
39, we argue, will sleep in the living room, so you think about it, and then wait for you to give me tuck.
40, leaving a little bit of a beard, when you sneak in the pro-fixing your face.

41, 70 years old when you go with you watch the sunset.
42, watching a ghost story with you and comfort you say \
44, must not you say thank you, I'm sorry to the group, as will be see outside.
45, when it rains in front of you.
46, when the money would be disgusting to say \
48, seriously listen to every word you say.
49, if I have any accidents, than I hope you can find a better man for you.
50, thank God every day we meet, know each other, love each other ......

; ; guarantor: I Chuan January 8, 2009,?

; ;
Y my dear wife, where are you ah??? not also my wife's mother's stomach it ... Ha ha Ha ha

This is a real community is now establishing themselves should precede the general feeling.

Old saying married and I have married, and then starts a career? This is a real community is now establishing themselves should precede the general feeling.

Think about many things not done , to begin slowly to adapt to hard work. First of all, must bring a good attitude adjustment to get rid of a lot of bad habits,

resigned, if so loose as ever, attracted me, or what matter can be done, a good attitude, do ask for help themselves out of the day is still


have to get up early tomorrow, and then obediently to the crowded bus The early bird catches the worm eat good, to cultivate the spirit of what hardship depends on labor, no matter what the future

do, good things first hand. if they work hard and consequently there will be, the big house, Q7! certain To complete the primitive accumulation of capital as soon as possible.

or else not have to starve to death.

Usually the idea is always a lot of cranky, and often want to learn other people online Hair sigh, then gave rise to a pile of responses look like modern discovery can be every time when you really want to write it like mind off the electricity on the front of the screen only a daze. It seems I do not code word material, thanks to a child does not aspire to be writers, or else not have to starve to death.
or transfer a few photos honestly forget.

C2 turbo kit!! a high pressurized

C2 turbo kit!! a high pressurized (200HP) and low-pressurized (160HP ~ 170HP) two choices!!
.. . ... Citro?n C2 \ "KARSEN \" 6 piston brake kit special... 15-inch original 0.Z Silver wheels.

are is a luxury ah ....

loving the name is called and the former boyfriend

what they were feeling the most pain? you love with your eyes, open heart, loving the name is called and the former boyfriend: \Although everyone can not stand .. put the movies, but still want to write down .. because the male lead a good interpretation of this plot .. in that moment I thought I heard the voice of his heart is broken .. by the way recommend This is moving under the Korean film \

do not go an 'suck match-fixing.

1. To find a beautiful girlfriend and ran Zan is no doubt money people come, and consequently stronger than pure love.
2. In the spring tide of market economy there are always opportunities to start from scratch.
3. light meals, stay up late to get up early, neither fat nor thin, tall and too good to be enviable.
4. no one will like making sarcastic comments on the Zan said: "There Liangqian do not know ye smell good, and it is not?"
5. robbed of money are renowned Zan criminals, evil thoughts flew screeching shelling ceased.
6. know that hard-earned money, pornography, gambling and other bad habits cost money are renowned for Zan prohibitive.
7. dinner is not foot the bill when no one is AWESOME stingy, with dinner Geji Ge, which uprooted hairs better than Zan large waist, but also need it Zan was great feeling nervous?
8. henpecked no one is AWESOME wife tube inflammation, less money, temper is not good, what woman can bear it?
9. Even if the money loaned will not offend friends, because people always thought that Zan was not much more than his wealth.
10. do not buy a car no one is AWESOME so poor, not to mention oil prices so expensive now.
11. there is no spare cash to buy tickets, do not go an 'suck match-fixing.
12. did not I buy stock, do not worry about the stock market quilt.
13. money a few, very few economic disputes, do not worry Chengbei Gao.
14. girlfriend comforted me: money is the big man's good because as the saying goes, money is bad man!


but do not care for the child. So now there are two kinds of money well earned

= 』And the good brothers who broke a toy store, the main target of 1 to 5 years old children. According to the experts to statistics, from now until 2015 as the baby boom. Yes, many parents who are not willing to spend money,a pale reflexion of&rdquo, but do not care for the child. So now there are two kinds of money well earned, to eat, the children used. Shop in Pudong, sells Disney products. In the Thumb Plaza (Hui Lau Shan upstairs,Christian Louboutin discount, sports100 opposite) on children's products, if interested in purchasing or have a good channel to contact me.

foreign mother teach daughter paint

painting very seriously. .

foreign boy, ha ha. Eyes are so beautiful

boys do not want to paint, had to do to watch sisters painting.

2 refuse to take advantage of his wife did not teach a foreign girl painting.

welcome to visit a friend in need. Some other stores will be opened one after another.

Yee King Road

By the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis. Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets. Hang Seng. The Dow Jones index and the impact of economic downturns this year's birthday .. I'm going to lay low ...

; Although a low-key, but not ill-treat you not ... this year I decided to snack hosted a dinner in Sa .. welcome to the friends you arrive ... .. of course packets were not essential does not matter, but the red envelopes to to ... inconvenient friends can call me at my bank to offer various Cary .. I have bank cards ... also online banking or ATM transfer ..

; this year's KTV project to avoid the bar .. Hey I heard recently from several water pipes instead of God .. .. If the above that this man something to himself and a fight .. Hey .. it can hurt big it .. it .. honestly feel that they sing in the K area aims to create a good friend I can bring you to the side of the road to celebrate the poet's so handsome in the moonlight .. want to sing sing .. shy Shaa passing or will join in the audience ... still might run into a kind of money to throw a grown doubled it ... although we did not Dolby surround sound effects .. but left channel or right channel of choice .. want to hear the left channel of the station on the left .. the right station to hear the right channel ... that the best gifts do not come directly to the gift .. you can discount Import into the cash account .. I remember when to send money behind a few more zero .. or I could not tell who can sink to avoid feelings and expressions .. waste .. if you must send gifts to friends that I also had to be disrespectful of the .. otherwise it would have been accused of hypocrisy .. Okay .. what I like on a recent Omega .. But do not buy it .. but I heard it hit the store now gonna take off the scarf 8 Do not buy it .. really .. how do I get my nerve to do ... it will store the address in Futian District 3, Yee King Road, Central City Shopping Center 1F .. in fact I am not very fond of Omega of .. the store can be contacted at :0755-82801591 hey! to buy a non-delivery, if I tell you that my store is open :10:00-22: 00 ...

pigeons that my little brother, the cushion C is not pretty ... I think! trendy winter cushion is more expensive .. well ... I would like for a birthday sets can have enough money .. ah ... I believe that pigeons should not be given to me .. although I will be sending a surprise is not to send .. .. but do not send a man to understand their taste it! dove you is it ...

birthday I decided to bring before the Coke bottle opener and tools to wander the family's house ... I heard eggplant New home a bottle of Louis XIII brother ... Also according to reliable sources tofu house 90 years has hidden a bottle of Bordeaux's Pétrus .. of course I would have a positive family and friends to visit you .. if someone out who the best home of course ... wine .. installed a Coke Cola bottle? Of course installed inside the bottle .. what? color right? can cola Duishui ah ...

; on the feast of friends Shaxian snacks attention .. I would like to offer Ms. Chaos Men steamed bowl of a cage .. more pay some of their own ... of course I am not so petty .. chaos plus Sauerkraut .. steamed dumplings with peanut paste, or in my bear within the scope of the food .. .. us to feel finished I will come up with long checkout financed through credit cards credit card go to your boss ... what? No POS? so famous The snack bar did not even POS ... how do? I can not take cash .. Who is the boss that you go to see my friends with cash ... which is looking particularly handsome dress or simply looking for the shortest pay body First ... I heard he is often misplaced the money do not know ... Well, friends,see Resources below,cheap Louboutins, doors are flashed .. .. PLMM .. I am reluctant to send others, under which there would be no return to ...

home show, "Coke" took out a candle on the cake .. .. point to point of what classical music ... although the lonely point .. but how wonderful life is ah ! What a cozy night .. so happy birthday a ...

Tips: Deng ZIPPO traffic police that you had better deliver, oh! else tell you .. its railway leg pressing toilet water weigh weigh it!