
You have two cows

?? Socialism: You have two cows, the state seized one of them, and gave it to your neighbor.

Communism: You have two cows, the state confiscated, and then gives you some milk.

Fascism: You have two cows, the state confiscated, and then sell you the milk.

Nazism: You have two cows, the state confiscated, and then you shot.

Bureaucracy: You have two cows, the state confiscated, and killed one of them for another milking, and then threw away the milk.

Traditional Capitalism: You have two cows. You sell them one, buy a bull. Your herd continued to flourish, so you sell them all, and then Na Zhaoqian retired.

U.S. companies Capitalism: You have two cows. You sold one, then forced the other end of the milk produced in four cows. Then you hire a consultant to analyze why the cow would die.

France Capitalism: You have two cows. You declare a strike, organize a riot, and block the roads, because you want three cows.

Japan's Capitalism: You have two cows. You redesign them so they are only one-tenth of normal cows big, but it can produce twenty times the milk. Then you create a clever cow cartoon characters, played a lovely name, and started marketing in the world.

Germany's Capitalism: You have two cows. You re-created them, so they can live to a hundred, only one meal per month, and milk themselves.

Italy's Capitalism: You have two cows, but you do not know where they are. You decide to go for lunch.

Russia's Capitalism: You have two cows. You count them again and learn you have five cows. You then count them again and learn you have 42 cows. You count it again,night tune stylus to 11, and finally found themselves only two cows. You decided not to count them, and opened another bottle of vodka.

Swiss company's Capitalism: You have 5000 cows. Each head are not you. You to charge storage fees of their owners.

China's Capitalism: You have two cows. You have 300 people milking them. You claim to reach full employment level, and has high production efficiency. You added melamine, and reported the matter to journalists arrested.

India's Capitalism: You have two cows. You kneel down to pray to them.

UK Capitalism: You have two cows. Two are crazy.

Australia Capitalism: You have two cows. Business to do good. So you close the office, buy a bunch of beer to celebrate.

New Zealand's Capitalism: You have two cows. On the left of the other end looks pretty cute ... ...

Lehman Brothers Capitalism: You have two cows. Bear Stearns you by your husband to open letters of credit, three of them to sell your listed company (Lehman Brothers), and then do an equity / debt swap agreement and bought back all four cows also has five cows tax provisions. Six cows milk warrants through a Cayman Islands-registered intermediary company, was secretly recorded in your name, major shareholders of listed companies (who also put seven cows sold warrants all its listed companies). Listed company's annual report states that the company has eight cows, cows also have another option. You sell one cow to buy the office of President of the United States, so that you have left nine cows. You do not have this issue a balance sheet. Then, the public investors to buy your bull.

