
after successfully lost 105 kg did not cherish.

Yesterday, Xinqiao Hospital, the father struggling to the beam with a pull up from the bed. Photo journalist Shi Zongwei

Sweet married life to forget dieting to lose weight with a beam (profile picture)

Beam and his wife and children together (data image)

Xinqiao Hospital doctors are checking for the beam used.

Death in the face

He cardiopulmonary depression, Fu Teng swelling, liver dysfunction, life-threatening

Treatment difficult

His body too much, either check or hospital treatment are stumped

Concern of China's first fat Beam (newspaper reported), recently hospitalized. Because of his height and 1.58 m 225 kg of body weight, regardless of treatment or examination, hospitals are facing an unprecedented challenge.

Reporter learned yesterday from Xinqiao Hospital, beams with abdominal pain, facial edema and dyspnea was admitted to the hospital. Preliminary examination, his weight overload induced heart and lung function decline has been life-threatening.

■ reporter Li Kui

Severe heart failure

Be a serious threat to life

Yesterday morning, Department of Gastroenterology, Xinqiao Hospital, ward, pale with a flat beam in the bed, mouth open, breathing breathing, swelling of the forehead obvious. As the flat for a long time very tough, his legs hanging out of bed first, and then pull out all the effort out of bed and stood up trembling and trembling, looking suddenly congestive purple. As the belly too, from the front, I could only see his legs and feet.

Beam's father, Liang said in late April this year, before the activities are still capable of walking beam with a breathing more difficult, take a few steps out of breath. Subsequently, the beam of the abdomen with a 1.8 m surge more than 1.9 meters, the face started swelling, greatly reduced appetite. Baoding in Dazu County, the town of Dazu county health centers and hospitals is more than one month, the situation is more serious. Day before yesterday, in the doctor's advice, he transferred to the Xinqiao Hospital.

Department of Gastroenterology, Xinqiao Hospital, Professor Wang Lei, vice director of introduction, the initial inspection, beam markers of heart failure with the value of up to 1611, ordinary people is 500. That is, beams with a very serious heart and lung function decline, more than normal value of 3 times the risk of heart failure.

Professor Wang Lei said, heart failure, renal failure, abnormal liver function and so may be to cause swelling, but every element on the beam used for all fatal crisis.

Transportation difficulties

Hospitals spend pull cargo trailer

Professor Wang Lei introduced Beam into the hospital, especially in transportation, give staff a major headache.

First, the standard hospital bed is only 1.2 meters wide beam with a body too large, beds can not accommodate, he was lying in bed when a lot of fat belly hanging out of the bed.

Gengrang staff was difficult, the beam with a weight of 225 kg, normal cart and push can not bear the weight of beds, the hospital got big-ticket items such as delivery of medical equipment trailers, each time to pull two or three.

"He's on an elevator, you can not install a few people." Driver told reporters that the hospital elevator, take the elevator with a half beam space squeeze a few more people, lift will overload alarm.

Body too

Medical equipment can not be used

"In addition to blood, other tests can be done almost!" Wang Lei told reporters that beam with complex disease, CT and other testing to be done. As the beam with the body parts of each, almost more than the size limit of medical devices, simply can not.

Wang Lei said that even the most simple blood pressure, because his arm is too thick, blood pressure devices cloth wrapped around the tube arm is not long enough, the doctor got rubber band connected. Instruments such as CT and MRI scanning window of the maximum diameter of only 70 cm, but the beam with abdominal circumference more than one meter in diameter, these devices simply do not have access.

Yesterday morning, the doctors decided to do a beam with abdominal B-ultrasonography. Medical staff went to great lengths to get him sent to the B-room. The doctor on his abdomen scanner moves back and forth, nothing happens on the screen. "Abdominal fat is too thick, ultrasound can not penetrate!" The doctor said very reluctantly, for the first time encountered this situation.

Difficult to treat

Dose is not enough

In addition to checking the difficulties, what treatment, what kind of drugs, the doctor is also a tremendous challenge.

Wang Lei, at present clinical drugs, doses were converted from under the weight of ordinary people. Beam weight is too large dosage of ordinary people is not valid. Take the 4 million units of penicillin, the ordinary person just one, beam with at least 20 million to 30 million units of penicillin to be effective.

Because so many drugs in obese patients without clinical examination, even if increasing doses, whether the therapeutic effect is unknown.

Large consultation

Hospital-wide program of experts to discuss

Faced with such difficult patients, yesterday, the Organization of Gastroenterology, Xinqiao Hospital, respiratory, hematology, anesthesiology departments in 10 years a big consultation to dozens of experts.

Department of Anesthesiology, experts fear, because beam with serious heart failure, Fu Teng severe swelling, lung and kidney and other organs do not rule out heart disease occurs. If seriously ill, need surgery, beam with the respiratory function and cardiac function will not be able to withstand anesthesia. Some experts also believe that the use of body fat and thick beams, when they need surgery, such as in blood transfusion will face unprecedented challenges.

After nearly two hours, dozens of experts, intense discussion, concluded that, must find a special way to conduct the examination on the beam, as far as possible the exact diagnosis of the cause, and symptomatic treatment, first remission, with bodily functions such as beam has been restored, re- According to conservative treatment of physical conditions. The most satisfactory result, do our best to restore beam with cardiopulmonary and other organ function, in his basic normal bodily functions, by means of a reasonable diet to lose weight.

Experts feared that the beam with a very fat, long-term overload heart and lung functions, functions can not be recovered, the doctor can save it. Thus, for beams with it, waiting for him is a death in the face.

Obesity causes

He belongs to obesity, eating out is a disease, must go on a diet to lose weight

Weight Loss Process

He twice hard to lose weight, body weight dropped to 105 kg and 120 kg

Yesterday, Beam told reporters that he was once cruel to lose weight, successfully reduced weight by 105 kg, only 120 kg. Just when he was a great pleasure, unable to control his diet habits, the body will soon rebound, health is getting worse. ■ reporter Li Kui

Not genetic

He is eating out of obesity

Beam August 29, 1979 was born in the town of Baoding in Dazu County, a peasant family, born child is overweight, weighing up to 5 kilograms.

Liang Liang's father, told with reporters, he and his wife, family parties, in addition to beam with abnormal body weight, other people are normal. Beam with two children, weight is also normal.

With age, 3 months, the beam with up to 10 kg, 3 years old 2 30 kg, 8 years old up to 70 kg, 180 kg at age 14. Liang said beam with a small to large to eat, except for 3 meals a day, but also snacks, but also constantly eating snacks. More than 10 years of age, four or five times a day, snacks, meals for at least half a kilo of rice.

Beam with 12 years of age, Liang and his wife sent him to bridge hospital. After diagnosis, Beam is obesity, which he ate out fat entirely, the only way is to diet. Liang the couple had to medical guidance, control his diet, but did not prevent the beam with soaring living body.

Everywhere doctor

He has lost about 105 kg

Beam said that, in order to shed covered with fat, he experienced a joyful, long way.

Starting from May 1997, Beam it was removed in Nanchang, Nanjing, Ningbo and other places, eating health care products companies provide free weight-loss drugs are also enthusiastic person go hospital before, but the effect was minimal. To March 1999, his weight had reached 220 kilograms, has become the most important person, he temporarily became news.

In 2000, a weight loss center from Yantai, China Central Television understand Beam situation, by way of acupuncture and exercise to lose weight for him free of charge, the weight loss, very good year to reduce his weight by 105 kilograms, that is his adult body weight in the history of the lowest.

June 2001, with the return beam weight loss success big enough, in the tourist district ding tea fat from the foot of the mountain open. Due to the relaxation of control on diet, weight rebound quickly, within months, rebounded to more than 200 kg body weight.

2003, Beam once again vow to lose weight. Diet by means of acupuncture, the body weight down to 120 kg, 105 kg of fat to shed. July 2004, the result of marriage and hi son Tim,designer shoes, have a happy family life, so that beam with a guard, body weight again quickly rebounded to May 2006, lost 105 kg of meat hard and long back, reach 225 kg body weight once again.

"Well come as a surprise, and feel how comfortable how to live, leading to their body weight was again overwhelmed." Beam with some regret, after successfully lost 105 kg did not cherish.

To speak their mind

He wanted to be a normal good

This reporter learned that the first fat beam title with the Chinese, the various weight loss body after another, by his self-hype, so he plays the chief, opened the club, so the image of voice and so fat.

"Where can I How much?" Beam do not want to recall the past. He told reporters, because obesity, he lost a lot of the most intuitive is the mobility, he can not run can not jump. Even something as simple as climbing the stairs, very difficult for him. Ordinary people just 35 minutes journey, he may be one hour. "Be a Thin Man How wonderful!" Beam said that the idea of a luxury for him.

Beams have trouble with basic necessities

The most basic food and shelter, for Beam is there anyone could have trouble.

Clothing: From the beginning more than 10 years old, Beam and peers can not, like to wear decent clothes and shoes fit, are often bought cloth, please tailor tailor-made.

Food: Over the years, Beam experiencing the pain of dieting to lose weight. According to his appetite, eat 34 kg of rice per day. Lose weight, he can not frankly meal.

Live: Beam said, as long as out of their home, no matter where their seats are not suitable, accommodation is also very troublesome.

Line: Each boat ride on the beam with a painful test. The day before, he is big enough to ride the bus transfer is the main city, because the body fat, went to great lengths, asked people to help squeeze the fat body, he was narrowly passed the bus doors sideways. At the time, he was a man sitting two seats. Chen Jia Ping bus stop, the antelope simply not hold his taxi. Finally, the spacious cab of his day contained language to bridge the hospital. The difficulty in Costa Rica to see him, very sympathetic, more than 20 yuan fare, do not take him 10 yuan.

□ Related News

The world's most fat man weighing 560 kg

Mexico, a man weighing 560 kilograms, was the Guinness Book of Records as the world's most obese person. At the same time, he may become a successful weight loss lose weight up to 200 kg person.

The man named Manuel? Uribe, 41, who lives in the northern city of Monterrey, Mexico. 20 years, Uribe can only lie in bed most of the time.


Can only go on a diet to lose weight

Deputy Director of Gastroenterology, Xinqiao Hospital, Professor Wang Lei introduced into obesity obesity, secondary obesity and genetic obesity.

Secondary obesity due to pituitary and other brain diseases caused by genetic obesity is hereditary, the incidence of both obesity is not high. Obesity more common, treatment is a major problem, currently no specific drugs.

"The patient can only control their weight through dieting." Professor Wang said the estimate under the beam with the appetite of his stomach might be five times the normal adult. His height is only 1.58 m, so much the height of his stomach and did not match. Therefore, when the beam filled with the stomach after the intake of excessive calories and nutrition, can not be metabolized in a timely manner, leading to a rapid increase in weight.

Prof Wang, obesity caused by fat reason is simple: bulimia cause stomach is can make it, more and more, will be increased food intake, body needs excess calories and nutrients, leading to weight gain and obesity. That obese patients lose weight, if not control diet, weight rebound soon.

Clinically, obesity is the most common way to lose weight diet, exercise, etc. and through weight control. If you do not work, must pass surgery, such as stomach space shrunk.

Professor Wang reminded the public that the best time to eat seven full, regular daily exercise in order to keep the standard build.

100 children in our city

Pier 11 is a chubby

Two years ago, the Municipal Health Bureau announced the city adolescent health survey and the evaluation index system shows that our city's young people aged 7 to 18, the obesity rate of 11.3% detection, that is 100 young people, Pier 11 is chubby.

Experts pointed out that with economic development, obesity, diabetes, previously considered a common disease in the elderly appear younger age trend, this is because children are high in fat, salt and other food intake too much, eat Western fast food, drink carbonated beverages, lack of exercise.

Municipal Health Bureau has also published on the 20 000 residents in the health survey, the prevalence of adult overweight and obesity were 29.15% and 6.57%, which accounted for the vast majority of men. Abdominal ultrasound examination showed that B, for fat, fatty liver prevalence rate of 15.55%.


