
Katyn the truth about 26 000 Polish soldiers were killed in the Soviet Union, etc.

In 1940, about 26,000 Polish soldiers and citizens of states to the west of Smolensk in the Soviet Union was the collective murder of the Katyn Forest. April 13, 1943, Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union announced that a large number of Polish soldiers in the Katyn Forest found the bodies, saying the massacre was the Soviet Union, Soviet Union, then to be denied.
in later decades, the Soviet Union and Poland have been on the "Katyn" event debated. Until April 13, 1990, when he visited the Soviet Union Polish President Wojciech Jaruzelski, the Soviet Union had just formally recognized the "Katyn" full responsibility for the incident, saying it was "one of the serious crimes of Stalinism."
1992 年 10 14, President Yeltsin's special envoy Pi Huowa reach Warsaw, Poland handed over to the "Katyn" top secret files 20 events, the most important (Bolshevik )**** * March 5, 1940 on the shot 14,700 Polish officers and detained in prison, the decision of 11 000 Polish citizens. Poland immediately made public a few important documents.
this point, 20,000 people were massacred two thousand Polish tragedy, poco (Poland and Russia) took a half-century history of relations between the greatest unsolved crimes - the Katyn Forest massacre, the truth has finally come to light.
2007, the Polish parliament decided to April 13 each year as the "Katyn," the victims of the anniversary events, and contribution to the outskirts of Smolensk patch of forest construction for "Katyn memorial\a unique door. Walked along the door, there is a stone, written in Russian above: This is not only the Polish soldiers buried there, there are those who do not want Russian soldiers killed the Polish prisoners of war; they were killing their own people, is also buried there.

