
Affordable for network access to Nokia and Blue Chi inject 20 million U.S. dollars joint

Sina Technology News on May 31 afternoon news, national classifieds site that was affordable for network Nokia Growth Partners Fund and the Blue Chi joint venture 20 million U.S. dollars capital injection.

To Market Network Founder, CEO Yang Hao Chung said: "We will strengthen the classification information in the mobile Internet in the application. No matter where you are, what type of end-use we hope to provide users with seamless and convenient experience."

Nokia Growth Partners Fund Managing Partner Paul Asel said: "We believe that with the 3G network in China's extensive coverage and the emergence of the next generation of smart phones, location-based information services will become the next wave of mobile Internet applications one of the key . "

Lightspeed Venture Partners Chan Wai-kwong, said: "All along, the country fair nets rising classified information in the authenticity, validity and ease of use to meet the needs of users. This is affordable for Wang Let us recognize and promising local. "

Country fair net claims, as of May 2010, 20 million affordable for average daily net post, 200 million people visit amounted to 20 million page views. Internet monitoring firm comScore analyst in 2009 and first quarter 2010 data show that the viscosity of network users affordable for continuous retaining its position as the head of China's classifieds site.

To Market Network, established in 2005, based on classified information in the field of domestic life. July 2007, Google China and the country fair network joint venture Beijing Gu Xiang ICP license obtained. In 2008, the news Lightspeed Venture Partners in 2008 to six million dollars in price repurchase shares held by Google.

Recently classified information site is subject to capital favor affordable for network competitors recently, another major category of domestic information website has been awarded 58 city DCM and SAIF funds amounting to 15 million U.S. dollars of total financing.

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