
Harbin model breakthrough IPTV back to life

If the SARFT before continuing strong posture, triple play will be restricted. This is a worry that the industry is now generally

□ staff reporter Zhao Hejuan | text

Since the launch of the overall program from the triple play, IPTV has become a broadcasting and telecommunications, the touchstone of mutual bottom line. The two sides are still locked in the pilot program, once clamp down on radio and television and even IPTV, triple play resulted in complete stalemate. Staff reporter recently learned from the multi-, triple play pilot program recently presented the third draft of the Panel asked the State Department again revised the original pilot program introduced in May has not completed on time, but the recent efforts of the parties, IPTV's fate will mark the turning point.

Triple play close to the State Council Leading Group disclosed that in May before and after the Second Secretary of the Board led by the State Council formed the State Council Leading Group for Triple Play, Film and Television, Ministry of Industry and three research groups, divided into two groups went to Harbin, Shanghai, Hangzhou, and inspection IPTV business model. This research, the parties have reached the same basic conclusion-IPTV as a technology and development trend of the industry should be highly positive.

The weight of the IPTV set the tone of the State Council level, coordinated by SARFT, the Ministry of Industry and the result of mutual compromise, also shows the three are integrated deadlock loused. But since the specific implementation of IPTV services, and the three are integrated pilot programs have a substantial positive significance, remain to Market Watch.

A number of industry comments on the current impasse, said three are integrated, as radio and television sector is too strong, taking a variety of "sectoral protectionist" measures, have been the original intention of getting away from the triple play, triple play is the industry's needs is the inevitable trend of technology and industry needs more actual business of innovation, not a license and management innovation. IPTV Yetai have found this new situation of China's management and operation mode, should be encouraged to actively start, can no longer repeat the past, radio and television, "one died" embarrassing mistake.

Harbin mode Breakthrough

From February Guangxi, Xinjiang IPTV services to be halted, to mid-April, the provincial Radio and Television Bureau of SARFT issued a "41 Man", asked for authorization to carry out without the SARFT IPTV business district, in accordance with "the Internet audio-visual program service regulations, "such regulations shall be investigated according to law, the deadline to stop" illegal "conduct of IP TV services. According to this article, in addition to the current ground has been made eligible for IPTV in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Yunnan Province, Fuzhou, Xiamen, and two provinces 12 cities, including Guangdong, Zhejiang province IPTV users to IPTV services, including telecommunications companies are forced to halt.

IPTV business intensification of conflicts, embodies the work letter, the two departments integrate the three networks broadcasting the issue of conflict of interest. From early April to the end of April, SARFT and the Ministry of Industry issued consecutive two-presented the pilot program were played back to the State Council, which focuses on controversial issues is both the scope and modalities for the pilot business differences. Radio and television department wants its telecom business into the pilot can not be limited to the area, fully open to radio and television; and broadcasting businesses involved in telecommunications, such as IPTV, are limited to pilot areas - which had been strongly resisted the Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Industry that the three are integrated in the existing framework of the overall program, IPTV is the only focus of its business.

With increasingly fierce dispute Liangbu Wei, the State Council finally sit still. Early in May, led by the State Council, composed of the Secretary of the Second Board research group divided into two teams, an investigation team to Harbin, the other team returned to Shanghai and Hangzhou, which the State Administration of Radio Science and Technology Secretary Wang Xiaojie, after following a team, research Shanghai, Zhejiang, China Man-kwong and a few of the IPTV project.

After the investigation, the parties finally reached the following new IPTV business fundamentals: Basic certain Shanghai model, particularly in Harbin, Shanghai Media cross-regional, inter-departmental co-development of IPTV in the model; affirmed the IPTV technology and industry trends; sure the IPTV as a new technology application and triple play development model, its connotation and extension can be richer.

In this research, the most certain is that Harbin model, the Shanghai model cross-section of regional development. Shanghai mode that controls the content and broadcast radio and television platforms, telecommunications networks for audio-visual transmission of a typical triple play mode of cooperation with Chinese characteristics, and Harbin is the IPTV broadcasting system to break the regional monopoly, out of Shanghai, the first attempt.

Shanghai BesTV leader explained to correspondents, IPTV project in Harbin, Shanghai Media and Heilongjiang Unicom (formerly China Netcom) and Harbin running radio and television to mature, tripartite "harmony", IPTV users have steadily year by year increased. Since 2003, when the study began in Heilongjiang Netcom IPTV technology, May 17, 2005 formal cooperation with Shanghai Media Group to start IPTV business.

Back in October 2006, the State Council Information Office Vice Director Zhou Hongren special committee and the China Engineering Wu Hequan, in Heilongjiang Netcom IPTV project inspection time, it commended the creation of a triple play of the new model. Wu He Quan is also a pilot program of the State Council, three are integrated expert assessment of projects (three are integrated group of experts) of the head.

Ice melting

In late January under the State Council issued the "triple play on the advance notice of the general plan" (the "article 5"), the state established by the State Council-led Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Science, the Ministry of Industry, SARFT and other more than 10 ministries and commissions to participate in the work of the Coordination Group, and triple play in the coordination group set up under the panel of experts to provide policy advice for the triple play.

According to sources close to the expert group, three are integrated not want it in the discussion, but certainly do, any person, any department can not do something against the trend, "the State Council has repeatedly stressed that 'a respect for both obedience' (subject to national interests and the interests of the people to obey and respect laws of science), which is the basic principle that in this basis, can not sacrifice IPTV. "According to correspondents learned that broadcasting and telecommunications in the last communication session, the State Department three networks integration of the basic principles of the leadership team was re-emphasized.

BOC said in a research report, China Telecom (00728.HK) Peng iron board office, said the company is currently halted on the previous SARFT's IPTV service and cable operators negotiate.

Peng Rail said all the SARFT before being halted in many provinces and cities nationwide IPTV service, are with the Shanghai Media Group in cooperation, and Shanghai Media has received its SARFT to provide IPTV services throughout the country authorization. In some of the affected cities, some local telecom operators have threatened to terminate the cable operators to provide Internet access services.

Peng iron expected outcome of the negotiations could be halted before the return to the state. He also mentioned that the integration of telecommunications and cable services, pilot projects are now under the State Council's arrangements for work in Film and Television and some do not discuss the letter.

Just a day after May 19, SARFT deputy director of science and technology by Wang Lian also attend the "Third Asia-Pacific summit next TV," stressed the "triple play is not a license each other, you open IPTV, he opened a VOIP ", but" a variety of business forms to be innovative. " Wang joint that opened in the fixed-line business Broadcasting dog in the manger, just simply a license may not win, but lose-lose. Wang Lian's position was interpreted as a Film and Television industry to relax its control of IPTV services.

Shanghai Media 100 as the communication of new product development and vice president of business development Ian has also revealed that millions of IPTV on existing users, 100 Vision is of Jiangsu, Fujian, testing three-screen integration services, users see a television Favorite programs can send information directly related to the friend's cell phone. The service will soon be promoting in other pilot areas.

There are indications, though the process is exceptionally difficult to focus on the triple play IPTV ice is gradually melting. IP as a technology, in essence, is based on the IP address of service delivery, regardless of the Internet, wide network, or to mobile phones and other mobile communication devices for the carrier's mobile Internet, are likely to become increasingly broad interpretation of "IPTV". "This is due IPTV content." One industry expert said.

Follow-up standards battle

Radio system is how the most urgent development of cable networks as soon as the relevant services, such as two-way cable network transformation, NGB (the next generation of radio and television network of China) plans to implement the national cable network integration; At the same time, Telecom is also accelerating its broadband technology Power.

"In the triple play pilot phase of the last two years, radio and television is to telecommunications to parked 'other'." Triple play this close to the group of experts who said, "about how the development of the cable networks, how to compete SARFT also there is no clear understanding and specific plans. "

According to "article 5" the details of broadcasting and telecommunications have actually defined the way into the business, including compliance with the conditions of broadcasting companies to operate value-added telecom services, basic telecommunications services, Internet access services, Internet data transmission value-added services, domestic IP telephone services and so on. IPTV, mobile TV business by the integration of broadcasting and television departments are responsible for control, propaganda department guidance.

Eligible state-owned telecommunications company in the relevant departments under the supervision of such programs could be engaged in addition to current affairs radio and television programs produced outside the production, signaling the Internet audio and video programs, current event news broadcast audio-visual program services, and to the outside of radio public Internet stations form audio and video programming services and IPTV transport services, mobile TV distribution services.

The person said: "Ministry of Industry and SARFT policy should be standardized to meet the licensing conditions for broadcasting, telecommunications companies issued the appropriate permits." Triple play, but reported in the two pilot programs in radio and television are hope that the scope of telecommunications in the pilot, "suspend" broadcast of audio-visual transmission services involved (including IPTV). Their reason is that radio and television market now do not have the ability to compete.

However, in fact, during the past five years, Radio and TV broadband services has been carried out in the country provinces and cities, especially Shanghai Oriental Cable pass as the representative of a group of fixed-line broadband services, has considerable market size. "Radio broadband Internet services do not start from scratch, the concept does not exist to wait." Telecommunications people in a local correspondents said, "This is obviously against the law of science and the market."

In addition, the triple play is the focus of the pilot of another conflict, "the standard of competition." "5 Man," clearly, to speed up the establishment of national standards meet the triple play by AQSIQ (State Standard Committee) in conjunction with Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Science, the Ministry of Industry, SARFT and Manpower Planning.

This statement clearly emphasized the national standards committee in the standard setting process in the dominant position. But "5 Man" in other words - "in the standard setting process, the priority to protect network information security and cultural security", in turn SARFT set up a "special role."

Previously, the national standard for mobile TV standards committee have to start evaluating, SARFT has been strong resistance. Eventually, the SARFT set national standards committee selected by layers of expense TMMB standards, together with the strong push CMMB standard mobile access to the leading position. The industry are worried that if the SARFT before continuing strong posture, triple play will be hobbled.

A senior person on the radio and television correspondents said the current broadcasting systems of several major Internet TV companies, including Hua number, CNTV, etc. are all carried out under the requirements of SARFT Internet TV-related industry standards-setting. Around the triple play of industry standards, the future will have some fierce competition. (END)

> Related reading: IPTV stopped the pain of the antenna after the user plans to set up a joint venture video service broadcasting IPTV operators to make ice block triple play: spread to two million IPTV users

