
Pity is the deepest love

Pity is the deepest love

What is love? Love the most important thing what is it? When we think that love, often do not understand.

A girl fell in love with a boy, she was infatuated with him that look of indifference, there is another with magnetic Chunhou bass, she felt different from his congregation. Boys also a fan of her, said her city girl with a rare purity. They fell in love. One day, the girl was ill, she called him, wanted him to see her, but he said he was going to a Party, cold did not matter, rest, rest enough. Another time, girls rain blocked the road, let him pick up, something he said he could not get away, let her and so on, the girl in the rain waiting for two hours.

Later, girls and boys broke up, not because of these little things because they like the other girls and boys. The girl was sad, but there is no way to restore the boy's love.

Soon, the girl met a large 5-year-old than her man, he often called her, met are very reticent. He did not declare what girls only had one hair style with a beautiful rose pattern substrate of E-mail, write the sentence: "I feel your breath all the time." Girls think he fell in love themselves. One day, he gave call girls, girls that upset stomach, go to the hospital. He immediately said that I accompany you. Girl said no, not serious. He did not say anything, the girl to the hospital when they found him at the registered office, etc.. Another time, girls drunk, to call him, he put down the phone, opened the night dozens of kilometers to pick up her car. He does not blame her, she just said: "drunk and more painful, the future, do so." Girl saw his eyes full of concern.

But the girls never fall in love with this man, he was helpless, he said: "At first I thought I could take care of you, and now we have to be a friend, if you need help, tell me, I will come." Girl He looked away, thinking of her first love, boyfriend, to understand the real front of the man loved her. She read his feelings for her in the kind of deep pity.

Nearly three-year-old girl met an architect when they feel like loners meet to find companions. With them, he always looked at with a focus on her, she is not liking something, he wanted ways to make her happy, he did all that the reason is "I want you happy." She has a little cough, he told her to take medicine every day, she went out, he always said you have to be careful. All things are trivial, but all things are in the show his tender affection for her. Girls like him, but do not know that he is not really love him. One day, he told her before the pain of lost love, tell her all these years is how he struggled alone. His head buried in her arms, like a child. Girl holding him, took to the infinite moment of pity, she thought she must be good for him, then let him feel lonely. Later, the girl I recall the moment, recognizing that time is her love, she never has such a profound pity men, including her first boyfriend.

Girls and architects love in each other's pity for the increasingly deep, as pity, they do everything with each other to make each other feel happy and joy; for pity, they do not want to do something a little bit hurt each other. They pity the love that grows enough for them to feel indispensable to each other, they will spend their lives with each other sympathy and affection.

Girls After many years, finally found out what is really reliable love, is a firm and lasting love. She used to love to obsession as it is with many people committed a mistake. Obsession may be only the initial stage of love, or just love the bud. Obsessed with the same time, if not spawn another pity emotions, love would quickly disappear, because the speed really fast obsession disappeared.

When a man obsessed, obsession can make people faint all kinds of things, including those eachother, sweet talk. A boy trapped in love to the girl he loved, wrote: "My love, even if I have to go through thousands of miles, through fire and water, have rushed to your side, even if Tiandaleipi also with you until the end of the world. "But in love's end, he included the words:" If it does not rain on Saturday, I'll pick you up. "Like the joke exaggeration to depict the story of obsession not only pity is how shallow the love and vulnerable.

Pity is another component of love. Pity is the sympathy and affection, is a deep sympathy, pity is a treasure, a treasure, not willing to shred discarded. Pity is a deep love of trees thrive under the bar in the soil root, there is no strong external force damage, it is not easily dying. A philosopher, said: "Love is essentially a point to weaker feelings of those." Pity is such a love for the most essential, a completely heartfelt willing to pay the other's happiness and well-being of mind, a kind of instinctively want to put themselves under the protection of each other to provide emotional and physical protection of a strong impulse, thus doing all it can to pet her (him), distressed her (him), regardless of whether they in fact better than the other strong. Pity is not compassion, mercy is a kind of condescending charity, with a little excellent and meet the charity, but pity is a departure from the gentle respect and appreciate the love and giving, unconditional, selfless.

Pity is the wife handed him a glass of water when thirsty, pity is the one to go and goes to cry when pity is open to the embrace of love, pity in a hurry on the way home mind flashed the "If I do not go home, she will not sleep, "the idea, pity is pain when love can not wait for her (him) to the pain of a heart, pity is" as long as she (he) and I am willing to do everything, "the stubborn, pity is to her (he ) as the world's most vulnerable people most in need of care. Love with a pity no veneer, no exaggeration, it is deeply in love the hearts of those who are stationed, ready to provide protection and warmth of being loved.

With pity emotions will be like that girl and architects, as not willing to do some harm to the other side of things, do not want to see each other a little unhappy, just want their loved one can always feel happy. To this goal, they will each other to please each other and meet each other's needs, to put himself on top of each other's interests, the other side feel that they are loved the most important person in life, will be catching has accompanied through life. This is built based on the deepest pity, the most intense, most solid and most enduring love.

Maybe we will be like that girl, to go through a lot of emotional ups and downs, the long years to go before they eventually realize that we really ought to retain, and what the value is love. But we do not have that kind of luck girls, we might have been missing that deep a pity that we ignore the feelings. So, when I was younger, in a chance to experience the most emotional time of the collision, careful to identify those feelings about the composition, which in the end to see how much is pity, it should be the touchstone of love, true love can help us retain , out of pseudo-love.



