
Village women's adopted 56 orphans and disabled children

Chen S & P's move to her mother pleasantly surprised, she will be a son in his arms, tears of joy

From the 10-year-old Chen Pengshui county general spent two months, picking up litter save the 8 dollars. 26, he paid the money to volunteers from the main city Hucheng Liang, asked him to go buy the second hand hair dryer.

Chen Pu live in counties with Town, Hui Longcun Pengshui 9 groups, cherry fourth grade students. After his father work outside the home, lost contact with his family, leaving her mother and siblings Chen Pu 3.

Chen Pu mother early 40s, thick hair. Chen Pu said, my mother always trouble headaches, pain can not work together, could not eat rice. When the money, my mother never had to check. Chen S & P said the mother was at home the only pillar, not down, as the eldest, he helped his mother to find ways to cure a headache.

Chen Pu saw on television advertising, long hair washed, electricity blowing winds, it becomes dry and elegant, so he intends to save money to go buy the hair dryer. Every day after school or weekend holiday, Chen S & P on 4 turn, saw the waste plastic, waste paper pieces, drink bottles on the pick to go home. Mother's pocket money to Chen Pu can not bear to use, save it quietly. Two months, Chen Pu accumulation of the 8-yuan, but his family has more than 50 kilometers from the town, the nearest village market must walk more than two hours, how to buy it for the mother to do hair?

26, Jiangbei District, Town, green leaves with cherry volunteers Hu Chengliang to school visits, the way to Chen Pu home visits. "Uncle, help me." Parting, Pula live Hucheng Liang Chen handed 8 yuan, commissioned his mother used to buy the hair dryer. Chen S & P's move to her mother pleasantly surprised, she will be a son in his arms, cried (Figure).

Peng Yu's correspondent reported that millet Photo


