
(Real) mafia situation - Lawrence of pieces by nine 5

5, Hou Ju Colombia - YIN Guo-kui

YIN Guo-Ju (right) and his brother Yinguo Xiong (left) before pulling away in prison

I really like to listen to those "mixed into the shadows" of the story, because of this, I had heard that the "sea Lufeng," who knows where fierce combative. There is a saying that "the sky Thunder, to Shanghai Lufeng," the thing and the "beast in human attire," as a compliment from the beginning slowly become a pejorative meaning. Today, the "sea Lufeng" reputation is already broken, If you want to change have to redouble our efforts.
to write this "underworld situation\However, they absolutely did not think that they are competitive in Macau have a tragic Rush.

YIN Guo-Ju was born in Macau in 1955, Qingzhou slums, his father is a water plant workers in Macau. Father for his horse named for the country, high expectations, surprise, growing up, it actually became an influential figure in the history of Macao's underworld. According to Yin

claiming horse country, his home in Hoi Luk Fung, and not Surname Yin, but the surname Tan. YIN Guo-kui said: "I am the grandfather surname Tan, is the sea Lufeng people, my dad was born, due to the poor house, the grandfather would name her father gave Yin Shun a people dependent, a change of surname Yoon. I was born in Macao, so Yin surname followed. My life experience is the father's death two years ago told me, even my mother did not know. "

collapse of teeth involved in horse arena and get to know fellow friends more and more, soon Macao, a place frequented by gang the bus to get to know the 14K, Aberdeen, a small leader Blackie China.

With the backing gang, horse teeth is beginning to collapse transformation, really step into the underworld, his cattle in addition to speculation, most of the time received stolen goods, burglary, and played tricks. Soon collapse and the other gang of juvenile teeth horse depends on the water room, she was three brothers, Yao Tsai (later he became the house depends on the Zifu), whiteboard earners were group "Seven Little Fortunes Party\.

colorful restaurant owner beheaded murder, secret evidence against collapse Jiaoren horse teeth personally led killing, the results for six months in prison after he was escorted into the market acquitted.

Yin States to take advantage of 1990,1991 horse property in Macau tide rise, earning a huge amount, but so big brothers Blackie and The turn of China. They compete for the same to a construction site collapse teeth horse was ordered to give way, he would huff from its own path.

1995 period, horse and water, housing collapse teeth two fellow sufferers begin to rely on monopoly casino code Diego huge benefits, but encountered fierce resistance in Hong Kong gang. Trigger confrontation between gangs Kimberley Hotel is located in Taipa casino dispute, YIN Guo Ju Gang and Macao jointly set up the four quadruple the company openly with the Hong Kong gang fight. In the gambling Wanghe Hong □ mediation, the last casino to succeed, the conflict was ended. With the Hong Kong gangster's second conflict, YIN Guo Ju Ji Gong fierce attack, hurt each other more than 10 people, forcing the other side finally pulled a white flag in Hong Kong fully withdrawn.

served by these two, collapsing horse teeth deliberately to build a belongs to the Macau underworld, even after his boss, Mu Wei also felt the market position of being a serious threat. On the surface, the two have no direct conflict, but in fact secretly planning. Water Housing Lai and horse teeth over the years are the market collapsed when the striker Wei, Wei market differentiation on the secret on them, and finally bring the two sides against each other, fighting continued.

Yin state horse of the "14K" and "water room" official enemies, due to the country in 1997 horse of the army, division, Shi Yongxiang Yin with two men in the city was "water room" killer fired 10 shot dead.

"14K" frenzied counterattack, Shi Yongxiang was killed the night after 10 pm, "Water Room" was armed with a knife chasing a messenger cut, chop and go after the messenger against the Swordsman, to a parking lot when the shot was fired bombers. "Water room" in an action session by proposing to get rid of collapse horse teeth, but the meeting inside information been "14K" undercover knows collapse furious horse teeth, but also rapidly from O to avoid the all-powerful.

collapse teeth horse fled Europe in June 1997, only one month away from the return of Hong Kong, Macau Judiciary Police issued an arrest warrant through Interpol's global collapse teeth horse and wanted 14K for senior staff.

hiding in Europe, the collapse of horse teeth continue to command men and markets water-Wei Lai war room, water room depends on the momentum does not see, also from Australia and take shelter, with the exception markets Wei hang in the New Century Hotel in Taipa, Because the hotel will soon open a new Duting. He strengthened the bodyguards, a lot of build, black head and Han have installed personal guard in the side, the hotel also Wu Buyi inside and outside the station, 10 steps for a post, also deployed trained patrol dogs, dignified atmosphere.

14K troops overseas since the collapse of horse tooth remote control, also started the guerrilla strategy, the "water room" not killing by surprise. At 3 o'clock on the July 29, 1997, from three days before the opening of the new century Duting, two gunmen's car slowly set sail front of the hotel, in front of the gunman, the AK47 barrel out the window toward the door of a row after row of bullets indiscriminately sweep. Stray bullet wounded a security guard and two foreign tourists. The machine guns swept the hotel, so famous at Macau, Macau, a number of countries classified as high risk areas will advise their visitors, the last thing, do not set foot in the Eastern Monte Carlo.

live ammunition in addition to a demonstration dental collapse has also resorted to another horse killer, sent men to the diamond market under the name of the Office of Wei as "door gods\other Duting to, or ruthless men.

Thus, Scott's casino business markets have fallen with the economic downturn, Macau became the terrorist war, gambling industry even worse. Market Wei see themselves in a passive, so to call in support of the Hong Kong gang. However, no further action 14K, 300-odd foreign aid corps was forced to retreat.

collapse horse teeth that strategy to succeed, from Australia in the period, men had quarreled, but also eager to return to Australia and rectification. Macao's arrest warrant withdrawn at the end of October 1997, after 11 months, the collapse of teeth horse quietly returned to Macao.

collapse teeth horse back to Hou, and no convergence, many people see him driving alone, the President of model cars, relying on loud car stereos in the streets of Macau to insert to wear. Arrogance has been the collapse of horse teeth, not a singles victory, also won Duting Lisboa Marriott, Hyatt Hotel Du Ting and back to force a Duting franchise, with the market set in the Diamond Room, Holiday Inn has to change hands to his name can be said to total victory. In 1998, the lose ourselves in the Yin state funded horse making semi-autobiographical film, "Hou situation" after the film has become one of his gang career of evidence. Shooting the messenger in Macao during the sent out as hundreds of extras, even in the lane against the Taipa Bridge, it is felt that in Macau, he is the real master.

invested 14 million Hong Kong dollars, "Hou Kong situation," a vast scene, invited the Hong Kong actor Simon Yam in the leading role. Film by a female reporter saw and heard, described how Ju Yin States into the underworld boss of a 14K gang experience, the story is full of violent content. May 6, 1998, the movie premiere in Hong Kong. Soon to be banned in Hong Kong and Macau authorities.
referred to the media about his negative reports, the collapse of horse teeth fiercely, he said: "In short I give you the media have killed the former Macau mess things said about me, horse teeth collapsing words, the newspapers almost every day. I pay for making "Hou situation," told reporters to interview me, help me to do publicity, the sad truth is out and so the manuscript is completely different and that I was gang Gangster. trial, when this draft turned into a triad of evidence against me. If the media said I was the U.S. President, is not I can instantly go to the White House to be president? "Yin country horse arrest, Macao has been well-known lawyer Lei Zhengyi as his defense counsel, that the country Ju Yin The final upheld, the Lei Zhengyi directed the court was "sentenced without trial," the justice system that he despair and threatened processed within nine months after the work at hand will be out of the legal profession, behind closed doors Write a "collapse teeth horse pass."


Hou situation "very" faithful "the records state Yin itinerant horse legend, story I mentioned above that most of the background, in addition to more prominent in the film Several highlighted the danger of the Yin state horse fraternity.
for shooting scenery or Yin period of horse country, to restore the scene is okay. Did not deal with them and kill procrastination, intense realism, it is good.
also, of course, horse country because his sponsor is Yin's autobiography, inevitably exaggerated, self-modification of local, national horse Yin, played by Simon Yam, characterization was on too "perfect."

movie film is a good place to say, bear the brunt of the relationship between the three brothers, gained a lot of sincerity. And make plans of Alex playing, performing Ayutthaya deep, so I'm memorable.

This is a very legendary movies, legendary as the Yin to be a part of life, the legendary horse country. I do not know Ju Yin States have no regrets making this film, but people like the gangster film, it should not be missed.

Macao's gambling world-famous, in addition to gambling, there are points known to be the number of cars. And because the car to Macao, Hong Kong's underworld star Chen Yaoxing is thus killed.

